Analysis of the digital communication strategies of websites of the most visited museums in Europe

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Santiago Tejedor
Luis M. Romero-Rodríguez
David Rull-Ribó
Elena Hita


Introduction: The redefinition of museum communication strategies, especially at the digital level, has become an urgent challenge. This study presents descriptive, explanatory, and exploratory research on websites of the 20 most visited museums in Europe. Methodology: Conceiving websites as the nerve center of museums' communication strategy, this study applied an analysis sheet based on six variables and organized around 62 thematic categories. Results: This research highlights the growth of sound content and informative content while detecting a reduced commitment to immersive developments and "augmented" content. Conclusions: There is a tendency towards the mediatization of processes following routines typical of cybermedia.


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How to Cite
Tejedor, S., Romero-Rodríguez, L. M., Rull-Ribó, D., and Hita, E. (2025). Analysis of the digital communication strategies of websites of the most visited museums in Europe. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, 58, 1–22.
Research article
Author Biographies

Santiago Tejedor, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of Journalism and director of the Communication and Education Office of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is the author of several books on cyberjournalism, technology and education. He has won, among others, the Mañé i Flaquer Award and the Carles Rahola Scholarship.

Luis M. Romero-Rodríguez, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor of Strategic Communication at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Visiting Researcher at ESAI Business School, Universidad Espíritu Santo. Accredited to the body of University Professors by ANECA (2022). He has been awarded, among others, the Roblón Prize for Emerging Communication Researcher and the Napolitan Victory Awards (Washington Academy).

David Rull-Ribó, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of the Department of Journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Professor of the Master's Degree in Travel Journalism and the Master's Degree in Environmental Communication at the UAB. Professor of the Master's Degree in Ancient Mediterranean at the UOC. PhD in Oriental Studies - Egyptology from the UAB. Master in Oriental Studies by the UAB. Specialist in cultural and travel information. Regular contributor to Historia National Geographic, Viajes National Geographic. Lecturer at Caixaforum.

Elena Hita, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Journalist from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. She has a Master's Degree in Travel Journalism (UAB). She specializes in cultural and travel journalism and is editor of the digital media Revista Purgante.


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