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Coral Cenizo


Introduction: This study explores gender differences in the visual processing of images and their relationship with brand love among Generation Z on social media. Methodology: A mixed-method approach combining eye-tracking and surveys was employed. Results: Complex backgrounds divert attention from the product, whereas abstract backgrounds focus the gaze on the product. The presence of human figures, particularly celebrities, reduces attention on the products. Brand elements and identifiers are often overlooked in favor of contextual details. The relationship between visual fixation variables and brand love varies significantly between men and women, although a homogenization of genders is observed in certain variables. Additionally, a higher number of fixations and more dynamic visual exploration are positively correlated with brand love, while longer fixation duration is negatively associated. Discussion: The findings suggest that while gender differences in visual processing persist, these are evolving toward a convergence in cognitive strategies between men and women in Generation Z. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of active visual dynamism in fostering an emotional connection with brands, with nuanced considerations about the effectiveness of prolonged attention. Conclusion: The findings highlight the need to adapt marketing strategies for Generation Z, taking into account the new dynamics of visual processing and their impact on emotional connection with brands.


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Cenizo, C. (2024). EYE-FIXATION STRATEGIES AND BRAND LOVE: GENDER INFLUENCE IN GENERATION Z. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, 57, 1–37. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2024.57.e893
Research article
Author Biography

Coral Cenizo, Universidad San Pablo CEU

Coral Cenizo holds a PhD cum laude in Information Sciences and a degree in Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations. Her professional work has been focused on the marketing and advertising sector over the last ten years, specializing in strategy, entrepreneurship and digital transformation. She has worked in international companies such as El Corte Inglés or Grupo Munreco, owner of the brands Viceroy, Mark Maddox and Sandoz, where she also worked as marketing manager. Currently, she is a professor at the San Pablo CEU University and coordinator of the Digital Marketing and Social Networks master's degree.


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