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Marto Egido Piqueras


Introduction: This article explores the relationship between ethics, digital identity, and employability in the context of employers reviewing candidates' social media profiles. It discusses how online profiles influence hiring decisions and the challenges in managing digital identity. Methodology: A literature review was conducted by selecting relevant studies and articles from the past decade to identify trends, benefits, risks, and strategies related to social media review in hiring. Results: The review shows that while employers gain a more comprehensive view of candidates, they also face risks of bias and legal issues. For candidates, well-managed digital presence offers advantages but also poses risks of privacy and discrimination. Key strategies for effective digital identity management were identified. Discussion: The findings highlight that digital identity is crucial in the modern labor market, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Therefore, efforts should be made to ensure a balanced approach that respects privacy and promotes fairness in the hiring process. Conclusions: It is imperative to adopt an ethical approach to social media review. Given this circumstance, future research should explore the long-term impact of these practices and develop tools for more ethical social media review.


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How to Cite
Egido Piqueras, Marto. 2024. “ETHICS, IDENTITY AND EMPLOYABILITY IN THE REVIEW OF CANDIDATES’ SOCIAL MEDIA BY EMPLOYERS”. Revista De Comunicación De La SEECI 57 (September):1-20.
Research article
Author Biography

Marto Egido Piqueras, CEDEO (Italy)

Marto Egido Piqueras. Doctor of Law, specializing in Labor Law at CEDEU, a center affiliated with the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid and at EAE Business School. Lawyer License No. 267/2015, issued by the Ministry of Justice. Member No. 3303 of the Illustrious Bar Association. Journalist No. 23600 of the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain. Academic No. 1641 of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Television. He was: Managing Director of a public radio station. Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Network of Theaters, Auditoriums, Circuits, and Publicly Owned Festivals. Ministry of Culture. Deputy Director of Production in the News Area. Antena 3 Televisión, S.A. Press Chief of the Provincial Council of Albacete.


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