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Introduction: As we know in the 21st century, the work of teachers in the classroom has become more complicated in recent years. Higher education teachers must meet standards in competencies and learning outcomes according to the official qualification and subject guide. But it is also necessary to become a neuroeducator in the classroom to not only transmit content but also skills to your students. For years, techniques have been used that are helping to meet the requirements of the subjects and the attention of the students, such as emotional intelligence, active listening, feedback, etc. In this article the objective will be to investigate the relationship between communication techniques, neuroeducation and emotional intelligence, to improve the teaching-learning method. Methodology: In the methodology, a descriptive analysis has been used to analyze the different definitions of each discipline and we have worked qualitatively to know what the students think about their teachers' communication. Results: It is evident that students need more participatory and motivating classes. Discussion and conclusions: As first conclusions, it is confirmed that the teacher is a true expert in knowledge of his subject, but the students may perceive little empathy and little assertiveness towards them.
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