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Janara Sousa
Nuria Rodríguez Ávila
Pilar Rodríguez Martínez


Introduction: This research intends to understand the dynamics of cyberviolence in Spain through the analysis of the pieces of news published in the newspaper El País. It aims to identify the most frequent victims and aggressors, as well as the main types of cyberviolence. Methodology: A sample of 60 cases of reported cyberviolence in El País from 2007 to the end of 2023 was examined by using Discourse Analysis. Results: Online violence has increased its presence in Spain, highlighting women as the most common victims, while men are mainly identified as aggressors. The most frequently observed types of violence include grooming, cyberbullying, non-consensual leaking of intimate content, and sexual and moral harassment. Discussion: Following global trends, girls and young women are the main victims. Also, the process of victimization of socially prominent women is highlighted. The discussion further underscores the underlying gender inequality in cyberviolence. Conclusions: There is a remarkable impunity regarding cyberviolence in Spain, characterized by the lack of accountability of digital platforms and a state regulation that is still perceived as insufficient.


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How to Cite
Sousa, Janara, Nuria Rodríguez Ávila, and Pilar Rodríguez Martínez. 2024. “CYBER VIOLENCE IN SPAIN: TYPES, VICTIMS AND AGGRESSORS”. Revista De Comunicación De La SEECI 57 (August):1-21.
Research article
Author Biographies

Janara Sousa, University of Brasília

Associate Professor in the Department of Organizational Communication at the University of Brasilia (UnB). She is part of the Graduate Program in Human Rights and Citizenship. She completed postdoctoral studies in Sociology at the University of Barcelona, Spain, and in Communication at the University of Minho, Portugal, focusing her research on online violence against women and girls. She holds a PhD in Sociology, a Master's degree in Communication and a Bachelor's degree in Journalism, all from UnB. She leads the Internet and Human Rights research group, coordinating projects such as the Brazilian Online Violence Observatory and the App School, which seek to understand and combat online violence against girls. She also coordinates the Online Violence in Educational Spaces project, collaborating with universities in Spain and Portugal.

Nuria Rodríguez Ávila, University of Barcelona

Professor of the Department of Sociology at the University of Barcelona. She is a member of the Applied Research and Knowledge for Society (ARKS) research group. She is a member of the Observatory of European Contemporary Social Welfare Systems and the UB Family Business Classroom. She runs the careers office for the Implementation of GIPE and GAEF. She coordinates the Social Economy Program of the University of Experience. She leads four projects of the ARACOOP line for the development and consolidation of training in Social Economy. She has been President of the School's Equality Committee since 2017 and she represents the UB in the EDI Group Equality, Diversity and Inclusion of the LERU 2018-2023. She has promoted the ODS Awards and coordinates the Employment Forum.

Pilar Rodríguez Martínez, University of Almería

Professor in the area of Sociology at the University of Almeria. She is responsible for the Comparative International Research group (HUM-1028). She is president of the CI35 Values Committee of the Spanish Federation of Sociology. She belongs to the TG10 Digital Sociology committee of the International Sociological Association and she is the coordinator of the group in the next congress of Rabat 2025. She leads a research project on the effects of hate speech in offline relationships of adolescents in Poniente Almeriense. She is the coordinator of the book "El análisis social del ciberespacio" (Social analysis of cyberspace), and her articles, "Hate-Speech Countering by Immigrant and Pro-Immigrant Associations in Almeria and "Gender effects of social media use among secondary schools' adolescents in Spain: extremist and pro-violence attitudes".


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