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Pablo Martín-Ramallal
Mercedes Ruiz-Mondaza


Introduction: Fashion, as an essential component of cultural fabric, was drastically impacted by the crisis triggered by the pandemic. In response, brands adapted, turning to fashion films (FF) as a means to maintain visibility of their collections in a context of social distancing, thereby solidifying their presence on social media. Methodology: The study was based on the analysis of 44 FFs published on YouTube between mid-2020 and late 2022. It was supplemented with a Likert questionnaire directed at 162 experts and educators to gather perceptions of their impact. This mixed methodology, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, allowed for understanding how FFs became a crucial tool during the health crisis. Results: FFs proved effective in overcoming communication barriers during the crisis, leveraging their ability to spread widely on social media. The convergence of branded content and transmedia amplified their impact, especially among younger generations. Results indicated a positive reception and high propagability of these 2.0 audiovisuals, positioning them as an effective tool for addressing adverse situations. Discussion: The adaptability of FFs during the crisis underscores their ability to maintain brand relevance in a changing environment. The convergence of marketing strategies has contributed to their success, although it's crucial to consider their future evolution and effectiveness in different contexts. Conclusions: In summary, fashion films have proven to be a valuable tool for addressing communication challenges during the pandemic. Their ability to maintain brand visibility in difficult times and their widespread acceptance among audiences suggest they are an effective strategy for maintaining public engagement in adverse times.


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Martín-Ramallal, Pablo, and Mercedes Ruiz-Mondaza. 2024. “FASHION FILMS. FASHION’S ANTIDOTE TO COMMUNICATION CRISIS SITUATIONS”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 57 (April).
Research article
Author Biographies

Pablo Martín-Ramallal, Centro Universitario San Isidoro

Dr. Pablo Nicolás Martín Ramallal, accredited as Associate Professor, has experience in the field of Social Sciences and Communication within higher and university studies from the 2010/2011 academic year to the present. From the academic year 2016/2017 to the present day, Pablo Martín Ramallal is Research Teaching Staff through the figure of Professor in Charge at the University Center San Isidoro, attached to the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain). Centro Universitario San Isidoro is certified by the ANECA (Ministry of Universities. Certificate Nº055/22). It is the only private university center in Andalusia that has the accreditation, applicable to all its official teachings. Obtaining the ANECA Audit Seal certifies that the Quality Assurance System is fully implemented in the Center and is effective in performance. It is in charge of several subjects in the Official Degree in Communication, as well as in the Official Degree in Digital Communication. He teaches the subjects of Graphic Design and Digital Image Processing, Augmented Reality, and Web Design.

He also teaches Typography in the University Extension Diploma in Design at the Centro Universitario San Isidoro. Martín Ramallal has tutored dissertations for the University of Wales. Currently, he is doing the same directing undergraduate final projects under the auspices of the Centro Universitario San Isidoro. In this orbit, he participates as an evaluator member in several Final Degree Examination Boards since 2017. Pablo Martín Ramallal has teaching experience at the CEADE Leonardo School, Authorized Center for Higher Studies in Design, since 2012. Framed within the Higher Artistic Education of Design (E.A.S.D.), equivalent to the Higher Degree, he has performed his duties in the degrees of Graphic Design, Fashion Design and Interior Design. In this sense, he teaches Vectorial Representation, Typography I, Typography II, Typography III, and Integrated Digital Project. He is a first year tutor in the Graphic Design Degree since 2011. In addition, he is responsible for teaching the Official Master's Degree in Artistic Education: Design and Digital Communication /Social Media Design offered at CEADE Leonardo School, Authorized Center for Higher Studies in Design.

He took teaching duties from the academic year 2013 to 2019 in the subjects of Visual Culture and Editing Techniques and Advertising Postproduction. Since 2019 he publishes articles in impact journals, of which more than fifteen are indexed as Scopus and one as JCR. He has written as author or co-author thirty book chapters in prestigious publishers such as Tirant lo Blanch, Dykinson or Fragua and has participated in international congresses presenting thirty-seven communications of various kinds. He has several teaching innovation projects to his credit, one of which received institutional support from the Junta de Andalucía. He is a reviewer in Scopus level journals. His lines of research are Information and Communication Technologies, Education, Extended Realities -Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Augmented Virtuality-, Advertising and Graphic Design.

In terms of his student academic career, he holds a PhD from the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Communication taught by the University of Cadiz, the University of Huelva, the University of Malaga and the University of Seville, with an evaluation of Outstanding Cum Laude unanimously with the thesis entitled Virtual Reality and Transmedia Advertising. A multidisciplinary study of immersive advergaming, directed by Dr. David Selva Ruiz of the University of Cadiz. The defense of the project will be given on June 20, 2020.


Mercedes Ruiz-Mondaza, Escuela Superior de Enseñanzas Artísticas de Osuna (ESEA)

Graduated in Design at the Escuela Superior de Diseño CEADE Leonardo. Final Project with Honors. Master in Research Methodology International University of La Rioja (UNIR). Degree in Audiovisual Communication. Teaching experience from 2016 to 2020 at CEADE Leonardo, Higher Authorized Center for Design Studies (EADS). From 2020 to the present she teaches as Professor in charge at the Escuela Superior de Enseñanzas Artísticas de Osuna (ESEA), linked to the University of Seville (Spain) in various subjects related to Design and new technologies. Professionally related to the world of Design, Communication and Social Media. Along with the rest of people from ESEA achieves several awards and recognitions for teaching and social awareness.

Her lines of research converge in Innovation in Education, Communication, Fashion, Design, Advertising, Information and Communication Technologies. In terms of management, Mercedes Ruiz-Mondaza is part of the Department of Coordination of the Degree in Fashion Design.



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