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Adela López-Martínez
Charo Sádaba
Beatriz Feijoo


Introduction: Constant exposure to sponsored content by influencers has a direct impact on the eating habits of minors, as well as emotional and self-esteem implications. Methodology: Thus, we aim to understand the type of advertising that teenagers in Spain receive regarding food and body care through influencers by conducting an online survey of 1055 minors aged 11 to 17 years. Results: Nearly 45% of minors confirmed that they receive advertising for unhealthy foods, and although fashion (48.7%) is the sector of body care from which they receive the most promotional inputs, exposure to cosmetic and beauty products (33.1%), fitness and gym products (23.2%), and aesthetic procedures (13.5%) is also notable. Differences based on gender, age, and socioeconomic level were also observed. Discussion: This information reveals that the measures described, such as the PAOS code or self-regulation codes, are not sufficient to reduce minors' exposure to promotion of unhealthy and/or age-inappropriate products. Conclusions: It is essential to continue promoting advertising literacy among minors to enhance their critical thinking skills and enable them to responsibly deal with these commercial messages.


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How to Cite
López-Martínez, Adela, Charo Sádaba, and Beatriz Feijoo. 2024. “EXPOSURE OF ADOLESCENTS TO FOOD AND BODY CARE INFLUENCER MARKETING”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 57 (April):1-14. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2024.57.e863.
Research article
Author Biographies

Adela López-Martínez, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Vice Rector of Students at UNIR. With D. in Italy, she has developed her university activity at the University of Los Andes, in Santiago de Chile (2007-2019). She has a teaching and university management profile. She has taught many courses in Anthropology, Ethics and Philosophy of Education in the Faculties of Philosophy and Education and in the Center for General Studies at the University of Los Andes. She has directed final degree dissertations. In 2016 she was awarded the Best Academic Advisor Award of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Los Andes.

Charo Sádaba, Universidad de Navarra

Full professor of advertising and marketing at the School of Communication, University of Navarra (Spain). Her research has been focused on the impact of digitalization on children and teenagers, their behavior, attitudes and opinions towards technology, particularly in Spain and Latin American countries. More recently she has started a project on the impact of technology in emerging adulthood.

Funding data


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