The Values Associated with Toys in YouTube Channel Contents: Case Study

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Paula Neira-Placer
Ana Visiers


YouTube channels aimed at child audiences today have millions of viewers. The fact that the content of these channels is not subject to controls and are frequently created by people who are not experts in communication or early childhood education, besides the fragility of the audience, makes their review and study important. A relevant aspect to consider is the values that are transmitted, especially when the content shows game situations, a moment in which children generate positive emotions and are more easily influenced. Knowing how the brands that sell toys portray themselves in moments of child vulnerability will allow control measures to be taken. The research focuses on a case study in which the content published by the popular YouTube channel Vlad and Niki has been reviewed over a 24-month period, since its opening until the beginning of 2021. The study suggests that the frequent appearance of values such as fun, solidarity and violence, or the reinforcement of gender stereotypes in game situations, finish affecting the general content of the channel. There is also a certain connection between the different values and the categories of toys and brands, especially those that sponsor content. Recommendations are proposed with the aim of making toy companies visible within these channels in a more responsible way.


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How to Cite
Neira-Placer, Paula, and Ana Visiers. 2023. “The Values Associated with Toys in YouTube Channel Contents: Case Study”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 57 (December):1-19.
Research article
Author Biographies

Paula Neira-Placer, a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:16:"Xunta de Galicia";}

D. from the University of A Coruña, she graduated in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Vigo. She has been teaching subjects related to the area of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility at the CSHG, a center attached to the University of Santiago de Compostela, for more than fifteen years. Currently, he belongs to the Communication research group at the University of Vigo where he researches on new technologies related to the Internet, especially from an approach of applied ethics. She also collaborates actively in different scientific dissemination projects. She has worked as Marketing Manager in the university publishing field.

Ana Visiers, Universidad Europea del Atlántico

D. with Extraordinary Prize in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad de Navarra.

Complutense de Madrid and a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Navarra. She has worked in several film and advertising production companies. She has also taught at the Faculty of Communication at the University of Navarra, at the TAI School, at the Villanueva University, at the Cesine University Center and currently teaches and is Academic Director of the Degrees in Audiovisual Communication, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations at the European University of the Atlantic.


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