Influence of organizational culture and managerial skills on service quality: a critical analysis of conflicts in associations of retired and pensioned teachers

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Manuel Enrique Chenet Zuta
Freddy Rodolfo Lalaleo-Analuisa
David Raúl Hurtado Tiza


Introduction: The initial perception regarding the associations of retired and unemployed teachers in the Junín region, Peru, suggests an expectation of effective communication and collaboration, given the high levels of education and experience of their members. However, reality shows a contrary situation characterized by internal conflicts and politicking, affecting the quality of service to affiliates. Objectives: The research aims to determine how organizational culture and managerial skills of directors influence the quality of service provided by these associations, from the perspective of their affiliates. Methodology: A quantitative, applied methodology was employed, with an explanatory scope and a non-experimental correlational causal multiple design. The sample consisted of 354 affiliates stratified selected from the three associations in the region, and survey questionnaires were used for data collection, validated with a Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient higher than .80. Results: The findings indicate that 51.6% of the service quality is explained by organizational culture and managerial skills, with a significance level lower than .05, R2 = .516 and tc (19.326) > tt (1.96). High values were obtained on a scale of 1 to 4, being 2.51 for organizational culture, 2.58 for managerial skills, and 2.58 for service quality. Conclusions: To mitigate the identified conflicts, it is recommended to execute an organizational change process based on action-research, a sensitization and team integration program, and an audit of the functions of human resources offices, with the aim of improving organizational culture and, consequently, the quality of service offered to affiliates.


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How to Cite
Chenet Zuta, Manuel Enrique, Freddy Rodolfo Lalaleo-Analuisa, and David Raúl Hurtado Tiza. 2023. “Influence of organizational culture and managerial skills on service quality: a critical analysis of conflicts in associations of retired and pensioned teachers”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 57 (October):1-20.
Research article
Author Biographies

Manuel Enrique Chenet Zuta, Instituto Superior Tecnológico España

Researcher at the Technological Institute of Spain ISTE in Ecuador, Principal Lecturer at the National Technological University of Lima Sur UNTELS, Associate Professor at the National University of San Marcos UNMSM in Peru. Ph.D. in Administration with a mention in Strategic Management from the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Global Business Administration from the Universidad Ricardo Palma, and Education Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Educación 'Enrique Guzmán y Valle'. Master 's in Education from the National University of San Marcos. Bachelor 's in Administration, Bachelor's in Education, Lawyer, and Certified Public Accountant.

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Freddy Rodolfo Lalaleo-Analuisa, Instituto Superior Tecnológico España

Master of Business Administration, with a specialization in Socio-productive Innovation from the Indoamérica Technological University (Ecuador). Engineer in Marketing and Business Management from the Technical University of Ambato. Currently a teaching researcher in the Business Administration Career at the Technological Superior University Spain (ISTE). In his professional experience, he has been a manager at Editorial Queyám Cía. Ltda., a company dedicated to editing and publishing books and academic articles. He has also served as a trainer in courses provided by universities on searching for information for publication of scientific articles in high-impact journals and is a coach in Atlas.Ti for qualitative studies. His scientific production covers research areas such as business administration, marketing, and education.

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David Raúl Hurtado Tiza, National Autonomous High Andean University of Tarma

Principal Lecturer at the National Autonomous University of the Highlands Tarma UNAAT in Peru. Doctor in Education Sciences, Doctor in Public Management and Governance. Master's in Education with a specialization in Teaching and Research in Higher Education and Master's in Public Management. Bachelor in Pedagogy and Humanities with a specialization in Mathematics and Physics from the National University of the Center of Peru. Author of texts on Scientific Research - Qualitative and Applied Statistics for Research using SPSS.

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