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Ibeth Molina-Arcos
Cristina Páez-Quinde
Edison Arroba


This research called mobile marketing as a dissemination strategy in industry 4.0 aims to analyze the study of research variables through scientific mapping; through this process it is possible to understand and identify phenomena and research communities which are not directly appreciable; the use of software tools for visualization allows a large number of volumes of data to be processed and accessed in the same way; through a type of descriptive-analytical research; thus, it also consents to the construction of scientific visualizations of co-occurrences and co-citations with regard to keywords; The bibliometric analysis of this study has been consolidated since the years 2019-2022 through the tool as a platform with great scientific impact and resources in scientometric studies in areas such as social innovation, technology, education and industry; As results of the investigation, the patterns and trends were analyzed with regard to the scientific literature retrieved from databases in relation to scientific subscriptions through scientograms, which constitute a spatial representation of the patterns found through records and the relationship that exists.


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Molina-Arcos, Ibeth, Cristina Páez-Quinde, and Edison Arroba. 2023. “0 INDUSTRY”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 56 (July):322-34.
Research article
Author Biographies

Ibeth Molina-Arcos, Tecnológico Superior Universitario España

Bachelor's in Marketing, Master's in Administration and Marketing. Advisor for research projects, business projects, and social projects. Highly committed to the development of well-rounded individuals. Held important positions such as Coordinator of Engagement for the Administration program at the Indoamérica Technical University, and Director of Communication and Community Engagement at the Ministry of Coordination of Security and ECU 911. Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Marketing program at the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Universitario España (ISTE).

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Cristina Páez-Quinde, Instituto Superior Tecnológico España

Marketing Engineer with a Master's degree in Administration and Marketing.Works as an advisor for research projects, business projects, and social projects.Highly committed to the development of well-rounded individuals. Some of my key positions include being the Coordinator of Engagement for the Administration program at the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica and the Director of Communication and Community Engagement at the Ministry of Coordination of Security and the ECU 911. Currently, I am working as the Coordinator of the Marketing program at the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Universitario España (ISTE).

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Edison Arroba, Instituto Superior Tecnológico España

Masters in Family Business Administration (Ambato, Ecuador). Bachelor's in Marketing and Business Management from the Technical University of Ambato. Currently works as a lecturer in the Marketing and Administration field, as well as a leader in community engagement projects for the Marketing program. Also serves as a research project leader at the Instituto Tecnológico Universitario España. Completed a scientific research course from Eduting and is the General Manager of Auto Tapicería Maguseva, a company dedicated to the production and manufacturing of bus seats. Has authored and co-authored six scientific articles since 2018.

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