Management of content in social networks, by scientific journals indexed in SciELO Spain

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Jorge Manuel Cueva Estrada
Nicolas Sumba Nacipucha
Rosana Melean Romero
Wileidys Artigas Morales
Cueva Ortiz Cueva Ortiz
María Plaza Quimis


The current digital age has social networks (RRSS) as its main means of communication. On the other hand, scientific journals (CR) are a fundamental part of the new knowledge society, the above suggests a link between RC and RRSS as content broadcast media. However, the task is not easy, for this to be carried out properly, the CRs must efficiently apply and manage the content they share on the RRSS, in the case of this study, the social network Facebook. The objective was to describe the characteristics of the content shared by the CRs in the health field indexed in Scielo Spain on the Facebook social network. For this, an empirical investigation was carried out, of a correlational, descriptive and cross-sectional type to the profiles of the CRs in the RRSS. There is little participation of the CR in the RRSS, it can be added that the shared content is devoid of innovation and interaction, characteristics offered by web 2.0, Additionally, a statistically significant relationship was found with Rho of 0.706, which suggests a high average relationship. between the number of years on Facebook by CRs and their number of followers on the social network Facebook.


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How to Cite
Cueva Estrada, Jorge Manuel, Nicolas Sumba Nacipucha, Rosana Melean Romero, Wileidys Artigas Morales, Cueva Ortiz Cueva Ortiz, and María Plaza Quimis. 2023. “Management of content in social networks, by scientific journals indexed in SciELO Spain”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 56 (April):194-213.
Research article
Author Biographies

Jorge Manuel Cueva Estrada, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Editor-in-chief Ecuador, Retos magazine - Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS), Ecuador.; King Juan Carlos University. Spain. PhD student Graduate in Information Systems; Master in Business Administration; More than 17 articles published in indexed journals; Participation in four international congresses; Professor-Researcher at the Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador, Guayaquil headquarters; Group Member
of Educational Innovation Improving Classroom Practices (GIE-MPA);

Nicolas Sumba Nacipucha, Salesian Polytechnic University

Associate editor, Retos magazine - Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS), Ecuador.; King Juan Carlos University. Spain. PhD student

Member of the GISEE Research Group, GIE-TICEA, GIE-MPA

Rosana Melean Romero, University of Zulia

Postdoctoral, Toribio Rodríguez Mendoza National University (UNTRM. PhD in Social Sciences, Management Mention, University of Zulia (LUZ). Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (FCES). Diploma of Investigative Sufficiency (DEA). Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) , University of Zulia Agreement. Master in Business Management, Industrial Management Mention (LUZ-FCES), Bachelor of Administration (LUZ-FCES). Certified Researcher by RENACYT - Peru, Professor and Researcher at the Cesar Vallejo University - Peru. Guest Professor from the Autonomous University of Chiapas, Mexico; Staff Researcher at the FCES-LUZ Business Studies Center. Research Lines: Global Vision of Organizations and Management Accounting. Research Group: Management and Development of Organizations. Director of the Venezuelan Management Magazine (RVG). Full-time Full Professor. School of Administration and Public Accounting, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. Lectures taught in undergraduate and postgraduate (specialization and master's level): Fundamentals of management, Administrative Processes, Administrative Systems and Procedures, Operations Management, Logistics Management, Integral Process Improvement, Seminar: Methodological Bases for the presentation of Degree works. Various administrative positions at LUZ: Delegate to the Scientific and Humanistic Development Council (CONDES), Member of the Academic Committee of the Business Management Program, Counselor of the School of Administration and Public Accounting, Coordinator of Research Lines, Member of the Technical Council of the Business Studies Center, others. Author of more than 30 publications in scientific journals, books and popular magazines. Academic tutor of more than 50 works at the postgraduate level (Specialization and Masters) and undergraduate at the School of Administration and Public Accounting. Participation in national and international events (Conferences, Conversations, Congresses) with works derived from research developed from the affiliation research unit. Member of the Organizing Committee of various national and international events. Accredited in the Innovation and Research Stimulus Program in category B.

Wileidys Artigas Morales, High Rate Consulting

Editor of Revista TELOS: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences


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