Technology and communication in sales in detail commercial stores. Case Study: MULTISA CAD

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Omar Vilcacundo Pérez
Diego Bonilla-Jurado


Introduction: Globally, communication among people has been a fundamental pillar in their growth both intellectually and in business. The research objective was to determine the influence of technology on sales communication in retail stores. Case study: Multisa CAD. Methodology: The methodology used was quantitative descriptive. The idea is to detail the influence of the independent variable, which is technology on sales communication, where the hypothesis to be resolved has been proposed. The number of people surveyed corresponds to the sales line maintained by Multisa CAD, where it distributes in retail stores. Being a population established as a case study, it was necessary to have all the store owners focused on the analysis. Results: The members studied the result of internal consistency of Cronbach's Alpha obtained in processing were 0.972, verifying the content validation. The surveyed population does not follow a normal distribution, resulting in non-parametric statistical analysis, a goodness-of-fit test with the goal of identifying and applying the correlation coefficient. The asymptotic result (bilateral) establishes a lower distribution of significance values below 0.050 in the study variables. After calculating the applied variables with the coefficient, a value of r= 0.939 is obtained, which is close to the 0.1 degree, demonstrating that there is a strong positive correlation between the dependent and independent variable. Conclusions: This analysis does not establish a causality relationship, that is, it does not predict cause-effect between the two variables. For this, linear regression was used to demonstrate it by giving a marginal increase to variable X; and it is possible to quantify some relationship between two variables, saying that Y depends on X.


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How to Cite
Vilcacundo Pérez, Omar, and Diego Bonilla-Jurado. 2023. “Technology and communication in sales in detail commercial stores. Case Study: MULTISA CAD ”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 57 (September):1-13.
Research article
Author Biographies

Omar Vilcacundo Pérez, Instituto Superior Tecnológico España

Master's in Business Administration, Commercial Engineer. Experience in social enterprises such as the Corporación de Asociaciones Comunitarias de Cotopaxi and Tungurahua. Teacher at Pci Abya Ayala Educational Unit. Training, including certification in Teaching Activities using the Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology.

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Diego Bonilla-Jurado, Tecnológico Superior Universitario España

Ph.D. candidate in Projects at the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana - Mexico (UNINI), Masters in Editorial Design and Digital Publications from the School of Design in Barcelona ESDESIGN, Master's in Socio Productive Project Management from the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica (Ecuador). Bachelor's in Marketing and Business Management from the Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Currently, a teacher-researcher in the Business Administration program at the Tecnológico Superior Universitario España (ISTE) has organized International Scientific Congresses and has participated as an evaluator for several national and international scientific journals. Has been invited as a Guest Editor for some special issues in the social sciences. Collaborates with Roberto Hernández Sampieri and McGraw Hill LATAM.

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