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Freddy Rodolfo Lalaleo Analuisa
Manuel Enrique Chenet Zuta
Amanda Patricia Martínez Yacelga
Diego Mauricio Bonilla Jurado


The objective of the research was to describe the business strategies based on business communication to create the corporate image of the Quisapincha Leather and Allied Artisan Association. The methodology applied was an abductive approach with a case study research design, the study was carried out in the Leather and Allied Artisan Association located in the parish of Quisapincha in the province of Tungurahua. The data analyzed in this study were collected from previous reports of the association from the year 2018 and the association's external communication channels. After the SWOT analysis and the Analytical Matrix of Formation of Strategies, it was obtained among the main results that the need of the association is directed to design a corporate image manual where the representative graphic elements of the brand are established, in addition, to give the opportunity for the organization to distinguish itself from competitors, as well as attract new customers. It is concluded that it was necessary to work on the characterization of the Association's own image, therefore, the business image is determined by the perception of the elements of corporate identity, such as the lines of inspiration from which the imagotype emerged, area of respect for the brand, color and typography.


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How to Cite
Lalaleo Analuisa, F. R., Chenet Zuta, M. E., Martínez Yacelga, A. P., and Bonilla Jurado, D. M. B. J. (2023). CORPORATE IMAGE MANAGEMENT AS A BUSINESS COMMUNICATION STRATEGY: THE CASE OF THE QUISAPINCHA LEATHER AND RELATED ARTISAN ASSOCIATION. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, 56, 265–281.
Research article
Author Biographies

Freddy Rodolfo Lalaleo Analuisa, Instituto Superior Tecnológico España

Master in Business Administration, with a specialization in Socio-Productive Innovation from the Indoamerica Technological University (Ecuador). He holds a degree in Marketing and Business Management from the Technical University of Ambato. He is currently a teaching researcher at the Administration of Business Career at the Spain Higher Technological University (ISTE). In his work experience, he has been a manager at Editorial Queyám Cía. Ltda., a company dedicated to the editing and publishing of books and academic articles. He has also participated as a trainer in courses offered by universities in the search for information for the publication of scientific articles in high-impact journals and is a coach at Atlas. Ti for qualitative studies. His scientific production covers research areas such as business administration, marketing, and education.

Manuel Enrique Chenet Zuta, Instituto Superior Tecnológico España

Principal lecturer at the National Technological University of Lima Sur UNTELS. He has been recognized as Doctor Honoris Causa, Honorary Professor, Visiting Professor and Invited Professor in various Latin American countries and the USA. Post-Doctorate in Diachronic and Synchronic Systems of Scientific Research and Post-Doctorate in Education Sciences. Doctor in Administration with a mention in Strategic Management from San Ignacio de Loyola University USIL, Global Business Administration from Ricardo Palma University and Education Sciences from the National University of Education "Enrique Guzmán y Valle". Master in Education with a mention in Teaching at the Higher Level and a mention in Evaluation and Accreditation of Educational Quality. Second specialty degree in University Didactics. Bachelor's degrees in Administration, Education, Law, Public Accounting and Industrial Engineering.

Amanda Patricia Martínez Yacelga, Instituto Superior Tecnológico España

Master's degree in Financial Management and International Trade. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at the Technical University of Ambato. Technical degree in Export Management. Diploma in Quality and Productivity from the Monterrey Institute of Technology. OAS scholarship recipient.With 12 years of business experience and 3 years of teaching experience. Her areas of expertise include Project Coordination, Strategic Planning, Operations Management, Process Management, Quality Management, Administration, and Teaching.

Diego Mauricio Bonilla Jurado, Instituto Superior Tecnológico España

Doctoral student in Projects from the International Ibero-American University - Mexico (UNINI), Master in Editorial Design and Digital Publications from the Barcelona School of Design ESDESIGN, Master in Management of Socio-Productive Projects from the Indoamérica Technological University (Ecuador). Engineer in Marketing and Business Management from the Technical University of Ambato. He is currently a professor-researcher of the Business Administration Career of the Tecnológico Superior Universitario España (ISTE), he has organized International Scientific Congresses and has also participated as an evaluator of several national and international scientific journals, he has been invited as Guest Editor of some special issues in the areas of social sciences. It works together with the brand of Roberto Hernández Sampieri and McGraw Hill LATAM.


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