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The mandatory lockdown to stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 2,020 raised many challenges not only of sanitary nature but social and communicative as well. This paper is focused on the point where the two last areas meet, in order to answer to a general aim: knowing to what extent online social networks helped people not to feel alone, and a specific aim: to demonstrate whether there is any relationship between the aforementioned variable and the variables of age, sex, most frequently used network and the interaction frequency with their contacts. To do so, quantitative methodology was used, the online survey technique specifically by running the Encuesta sobre redes sociales online en la provincia de A Coruña 2022 and by analyzing the subsample referred to online social networks users (499 cases). The main conclusion is that such tools helped people not to feel lonely, specially in the case of young adults, women, frequent Instagram users and active online social networks users. This generated important benefits for both individuals and society, by enabling people to cope with loneliness and by preventing the decline of social capital.


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Vázquez Chas, Loreto. 2023. “ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS AS A HELPING TOOL TO COPE WITH LONELINESS DURING THE LOCKDOWN ”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 56 (April):249-64.
Research article


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