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Agustín Vivas Moreno
José Luis Valhondo-Crego


The main purpose of this research is to establish a theory on the evolution of the reading and writing of audiovisual characters through the examination of film scripts. To this end, it is based on the study of the classic dilemma of the character in the construction of drama. Three cases are used within the framework of the history of cinema in the 20th century. The methodology compares the scripts of Graham Greene, Paul Schrader and David Mamet, as well as the creative processes declared by these authors. It is concluded that the literary writing of audiovisual fiction characters goes through three stages in its construction: in a first stage, focused on the personality of the mental states of the protagonists, in a second stage, on the creative protagonism of the authors, and in a third stage, on the staging of the interaction between the characters. A possible explanation for this evolution would be related to the process called re-enchantment of the world, where the supreme values are efficiency, control, calculability and foresight, leaving a narrow margin for the possibility of magic.


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How to Cite
Vivas Moreno, Agustín, and José Luis Valhondo-Crego. 2023. “READING AND WRITING OF AUDIOVISUAL FICTION CHARACTERS: : THEORETICAL PROPOSAL BASED ON THREE CASES”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 56 (April):176-93.
Research article
Author Biographies

Agustín Vivas Moreno, Universidad de Extremadura

Full Professor of Documentation. Faculty of Documentation and Communication Sciences. Universidad de Extremadura. Coordinator of the ARDOPA Research Group. Main Researcher of several Competitive Research Projects. Main Researcher of contracts with numerous institutions. Author of more than thirty monographs and numerous articles published in high-impact journals. Director of 14 doctoral theses. Evaluator of research projects and journals. He has held various university positions (Dean, Director of Communication, etc.). He has done research stays in the USA, Portugal, Italy, and Mexico. He has several research awards to his credit: Doctoral Thesis Award, Young Researcher Award of Extremadura, Juan Moreno Award, Xavier de Salas Foundation Award, etc.

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José Luis Valhondo-Crego , Universidad de Extremadura

Associate Professor. Faculty of Documentation and Communication Sciences. Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication and Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. Author of numerous publications related to film analysis. Different stays in Valladolid, Madrid, and Portugal.

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