A community pre-professional experience linked to teaching in Social Communication.

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Margarita Amalia Cruz Vilain
María de los Ángeles González Borges
Mercedes Duvergel Isaac


As an alternative means of communications, community communicatios is essentially a tool to give voice to historycally marginlized social groups,an assumption that needs to be visualized every day as a reference to condition social changes in communities throug education. The goal of the Word is to expose some experiences as teahers together with students of the Social Communication career in some neighborhoods of Cuito/Bie, Angola. The experience resulted in shared intercultutal learning between students and teachers. It was supported by tolos of the Participatory-Action-Research methodology and the postulates of Popular Education. Is is not intrntend to expess finished ideas, but to provoke reflexive approaches on a practice that is continually reconstructed.As teachers at the Escuela Superior Politecnica de Cuito/Bie, in Angola, they took advantage of the opportunity provided by the coincidence of the delivery in the fifth semester of the career, of the subjects of Communication and Health and Educational Communication, with the pprecedence of having studied Communication for Development and Itercultural Communication in the year, so that the students, integrated into teams, carry out field work in some neighborhoods of the community, all with the objective that they apply in practice, the knowledge acquired in various subjects. The visit to the community with the preparation of the contents estudied, were consolidating the experiences of the students, allowed to make observations in the field and strengthen the process of interaction between theory and practice, using tolos of the research metodology. The interviews, observation guides, questionnaires and almost daily face-to-face interation gave scientific objectivity to the task performed. It was posible to verify the unhealthy life practices of many of its inhabitants in the interaction with the environment, the non-use of the natural leaders of these communities for improvement of the same, as well as insufficient communication between the community and the institutions close to them fundamentally. The experience conclusively corroborated the weaknesses that still exist in the extensionist work by the university, that community work is a space almost invisible by the large media and the universities of the territory , it also allowed students to the have a different look to the cultural and communicative practices of the enviroment in question. The photographic evidence illustrates the above.



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How to Cite
Cruz Vilain, Margarita Amalia, María de los Ángeles González Borges, and Mercedes Duvergel Isaac. 2023. “A community pre-professional experience linked to teaching in Social Communication. ”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 56 (January):84-98. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2023.56.e814.
Research article
Author Biographies

Margarita Amalia Cruz Vilain, Universidad de la Habana

Licenciada en Filosofía e Historia en la Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas de La Habana. Máster en Enseñanza de la Historia obtenido en la Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas de la Habana  Profesora Auxiliar de la Universidad de la Habana,  impartiendo asignaturas de Comunicación y Sociedad, Ética y Deontología de la Comunicación Social en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Habana, entre sus líneas de investigación tiene las Racialidades y la Antropologia Cultural, ha participado en eventos nacionales e internacionales posibilitando la salida  de publicaciones en revistas  cientíticas dentro y fuera del pais.

ORCID: 0000-0001-6453-5379

María de los Ángeles González Borges, Universidad de la Habana

Graduated in Journalism in 1973, Professor since 2006, and has a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences since 1993, from the Universidad de La Laguna, Canary Islands. She has taught various subjects in the area of Languages and Techniques of Journalism at the undergraduate and graduate level, in Cuba and several Latin American countries, in the Republic of Angola, and Spain. She has carried out numerous trainings in printed media and news agencies in Cuba, Mexico, the United States, Russia, and Spain. She systematically participates in scientific events at national and international levels and has published in scientific journals.

Orcid ID: https://doi.org/0000-0003-1022-7308

Mercedes Duvergel Isaac, Universidad de Santiago de Cuba

Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad de Oriente in 1985, and she received a Master's degree in Social Communication in 2000 from the Universidad de Oriente. Her lines of research are Business Communication and Reception Studies. She is an assistant professor.


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