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The current communication paradigm has given rise to new advertising formats. Branded content is one of the disciplines that is experiencing a greater extension, due to the good results obtained. It is well known that, in part, the success of advertising campaigns lies in the coordination of the different phases involved in their production, from the creation of the advertising concept to its diffusion in the media. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the advertising format of branded content has led to modify the strategies and planning in the media, in order to maintain the effectiveness of the campaigns. The study analyzes the campaign "Aprendemos juntos", of the BBVA financial company, as a successful case of a branded content campaign recogniced by de advertising industry. The research is divided into three phases: firstly, the content of the campaigns is analyzed, based on a defined sample; secondly, in-depth interviews are conducted with experts in the field and protagonists of the design of the strategy and media planning of the campaign; finally, a comparative analysis of the evolution of media strategy trends in the advertising sector, specially of the case studie, is carried out. The study shows how the integration of new advertising formats is changing media strategies, where the digital channel is becoming more relevant in the plans.
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