The hybridization of the Spanish communication faculties: economic crisis, digitalization, and new academic approach

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Marta Saavedra Llamas
Fernando Toledano Cuervas-Mons


The digital transformation has caused an unpreceded revolution in the communication industry. This new scenario has led to the appearance of new multipurpose and versatile professional profiles, that now incorporate humanistic and technical skills. These skills have been influenced by current technological developments and include a global vision as well as an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, the Communication faculties have had to update their education programs to satisfy the demand of the professional world, which has become more and more changeable. At the same time, the digital transformation was boosted by the 2008 economic crisis, and it was necessary to update study programs to promote the employability of graduates. This paper presents the current map of Communication faculties in Spain and analyzes the reason for the denominations given to these centers, which today are quite distant from the original ones in 1971, and it places a special focus on hybrid faculties, those that have in their name the fusion of Communication with another area of knowledge. By reviewing its academic offer and areas of research, the article intends to find out if the new positioning helps to adapt the training communicators receive to the needs of the current society.


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How to Cite
Saavedra Llamas, Marta, and Fernando Toledano Cuervas-Mons. 2022. “The hybridization of the Spanish communication faculties: economic crisis, digitalization, and new academic approach”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 55 (July):211-26.
Research article
Author Biographies

Marta Saavedra Llamas, Universidad Nebrija

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Arts of Universidad Nebrija. She has a Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the UCM, she completed a postgraduate course in “Stock market communication and financial sectors” and a degree in Journalism at the same university. She has worked as an editor in the regional newspapers El Faro de Murcia and El Diario de Murcia and in the economic newspapers El Nuevo Lunes, Dirigentes, and Nuestros Negocios. From 2008 to 2010 she was editor-in-chief of these last two publications and the confidential She has experience in the field of institutional communication, having been part of the ACAP team, where she previously worked in the area of faculty accreditation. Currently, she is the director of the journal NUESTRA (Universidad Nebrija).

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Fernando Toledano Cuervas-Mons, Universidad Nebrija

Director of the Department of Advertising at Universidad Nebrija and permanent professor at the Faculty of Communication and Arts. He has been the Academic Coordinator of the Degree in Advertising and PR and the Degree in Marketing and Commercial Communication at the same university. He is an accredited doctor in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has a Master’s Degree in Advertising from ICADE (Universidad Comillas). Bachelor’s Degree in Information Sciences from the UCM, specializing in Audiovisual Communication. He has worked at Gardoqui-Gold; Publicis, and RdA Comunicación. He belongs to the Executive Committee of the Academic Chapter of the IAA (International Advertising Association).

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