Virtual support communities on Facebook about in vitro fertilization procedures.

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Lizeth Rodríguez González
Josefina Rodríguez González


This research analyzes the communication practices that occur regarding the highly complex assisted reproduction technique of Fertilization or in vitro fertilization (IVF) within two virtual communities: Fertilización In Vitro - Buscando BB, consisting of 3.3 thousand members, and Embarazos por fertilización In Vitro o inseminación consisting of 18.1 thousand members. Both hosted on the social network of Facebook, identified through the narrative and virtual ethnography, of the participants’ profile, and the type of content that is shared among members which are in preparation motherhood, focusing on the process that women carry out before initiating IVF, which includes: the development of the treatment, the beta wait, and the result (being or not being pregnant). For this, observation was carried out online for a long period of time, recording relevant data regarding posts, comments, and interactions in a field log, resulting in a categorization of the most significant trends. The results are grouped from the characterization of the virtual communities analyzed; the rules of participation, protocols, and convenience; as well as communication practices and areas of interest. It is concluded that virtual communities are a space that permits the gathering to extend support, accompaniment, recognition, and the sense of belonging among women or couples who are going through the same process in which they can collaborate, share, and learn from others, but above all find moral and emotional support.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez González, Lizeth, and Josefina Rodríguez González. 2022. “Virtual support communities on Facebook about in vitro fertilization procedures”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 55 (July):168-82.
Research article
Author Biographies

Lizeth Rodríguez González, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas

Ph.D. in Social Sciences and Humanities from the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, has PRODEP Profile recognition (Professional Development of Teachers Program), is a member of the SNI (National System of Researchers) at the Candidate level, and is a member of the Academic Body UAZ-CA- 247 Digital Education and Learning Spaces. She is a full-time Professor-Researcher in the Master's Degree Program in Educational Information Technology at the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ). She is the author of two books and various articles published in refereed and indexed journals, she has contributed as a reviewer in national and international journals.

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Josefina Rodríguez González, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas

Ph.D. in Social Sciences and Humanities. Member of the National System of Researchers, has recognition as PRODEP Profile, is responsible for the Consolidated Academic Body UAZ-184 "Studies on Education, Society, Culture, and Communication", she is a Peer evaluator of the Administration and Institutional Management Committee of the Interinstitutional Evaluation Committees of Higher Education (CIEES), she belongs to the National Association of Communication Researchers. Among the lines of research that she develops are ICT applied to educational processes, environmental education, and network communication. She currently works as a full-time Teacher-Researcher in the Master's Degree in Education and Professional Teacher Development (attached to the PNPC-CONACYT) at the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico.

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