Cultural and experiential communication of a brand: Case of Rutas Comuneras in Spain

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Mónica Matellanes Lazo
Berta María García Otero


Public bodies in the tourism sector are providers of essential services, equipment, and infrastructure for its correct development. However, they must also be promoters of the tourist destination at a global level. In this aspect, communication tools play a fundamental role in informing and giving visibility to a region of interest to its audiences. To achieve this purpose, coordination and collaboration between the public and private sectors are essential. Institutional advertising messages often coexist with advertising messages for private products and services. In the latter, the marketing of the destination and the obtaining of profits prevail, while institutional advertising is more oriented towards offering attractive destinations for potential tourists, that is, it is the one that participates to a greater extent in the creation of the image of a destination.

In this context, the territorial brand Rutas Comuneras de Castilla y León has a series of tourist products and services that must be marketed and promoted, so this article analyzes the most used means and formats to make themselves known and, also with the strategic objective of carrying out new actions that can correct possible communicative incidents and improve the image of strategic audiences.

With this intention, a review of the advertising content most used by the Rutas Comuneras brand is carried out and thus understand its cultural and experiential communication.

In this context, the territorial brand Rutas Comuneras de Castilla y León has a series of tourist products and services that must be marketed and promoted, so that this article analyzes the most used means and formats to make themselves known and, also with the strategic objective of carrying out new actions that can correct possible communicative incidents and improve the image of strategic audiences.

With this intention, a review of the advertising content most used by the Rutas Comuneras brand is carried out and thus understand its cultural and experiential communication.


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How to Cite
Matellanes Lazo, Mónica, and Berta María García Otero. 2022. “Cultural and experiential communication of a brand: Case of Rutas Comuneras in Spain”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 55 (July):183-209.
Research article
Author Biographies

Mónica Matellanes Lazo, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes de Valladolid.

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from UCM (Madrid) and Master in Marketing and Commercial Management (ESIC). Doctor Cum Laude in Information Sciences from the Universidad de Valladolid. Accredited by ANECA and with a six-year research period by ACSUCYL (2011-2016). Research in marketing studies and corporate communication of public and private companies, brand studies, and political communication, as well as the analysis and proposal of strategic positioning plans and communication and advertising campaigns for brands. She belongs to several research groups at the UEMC where she has worked since 2006, such as the Cultural Management Research Group (GECU) and the UEMC Teaching Innovation Group (Vuélcate Research Group). She has directed more than forty TFG's and TFM's at the UEMC.

Orcid ID:

Google Scholar: ‪Mónica Matellanes Lazo - ‪Google Académico

ResearchGate: Mónica Matellanes Lazo (

Scopus: (6 revistas Scopus) Dialnet Métricas - Matellanes Lazo, Mónica ( Mónica Matellanes Lazo - Dialnet (

Berta María García Otero, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes de Valladolid

Has a Ph.D. from the Universidad de Valladolid; Master in Business Administration and Management (MBA) from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE-ICAI); Degree in Political Science and Sociology from the Universidad de Granada; Research line in sectoral Marketing applied to consumer/user behavior (tourism sector, health, public sector, social, etc.); business experience in the area of the Administrative-Financial Department – Deputy of the Administrative-Financial Department GRUPO VEGALSA-EROSKI. Experience in academic management holding various positions during the period 2010-2022 at the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes: Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences, Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Health, and Vice-Rector for Strategy and Innovation. She currently holds the position of Vice-Rector for Students and Social Projection at the same University.

Orcid ID:

Google Scholar: No consta.

ResearchGate: Berta María García Otero (

Scopus: Berta Mª García Otero - Dialnet (



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