How are the immigrant characters in spanish series broadcasted on streaming platforms?

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Teresa Martín García
María Marcos Ramos
Beatriz González de Garay


Introduction. The number of fiction series has increased considerably with the development of streaming platforms. At the same time, in recent years Spanish society has been transformed towards multiculturalism, as a result of new migratory processes.  However, this new audiovisual scenario has hardly been the subject of research studies, since the representation on platforms constitutes an area scarcely explored in the Spanish academic context. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to analyze the current representation of immigration in television series broadcast on the main streaming platforms. Methodology: For this purpose, a content analysis was carried out on 38 Spanish-created series, broadcast between 2017 and 2020, and on a total of 1509 characters (n=1509). Results: Among the main results of this work, it was found that immigrant characters are underrepresented and, when present, they hardly occupy leading roles. Together with the scarce presence of this type of characters, stereotypical features and characteristics in their forms of representation are appreciated. Discussion: Despite the presence of foreign/immigrant characters in Spanish production series, they are still a minority and their representation is biased and often stereotypical, as reflected, for example, by the significant relationship between the nationality of the character and the socioeconomic level with which he/she is represented.  For all these reasons, the new sphere of Spanish fiction series does not seem to reflect the Spanish sociocultural reality through its plots and characters.


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How to Cite
Martín García, Teresa, María Marcos Ramos, and Beatriz González de Garay. 2022. “How are the immigrant characters in spanish series broadcasted on streaming platforms?”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 55 (March):37-56.
Research article
Author Biographies

Teresa Martín García, Universidad de Salamanca

Teresa Martín García has a Ph.D. in Journalism and a Master's degree in Institutional and Business Communication from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is also an expert in Gender and Communication from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. She is currently an associate professor at the Universidad de Salamanca and a member of the Observatory of Audiovisual Content of the Universidad de Salamanca. Her lines of research focus on gender stereotypes in social networks and trends in digital marketing and corporate communication.

María Marcos Ramos, Universidad de Salamanca

María Marcos Ramos (Valladolid, 1979) has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad del País Vasco and a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication (Extraordinary Doctorate Award) from the Universidad de Salamanca. She is a collaborating member of the Observatory of Audiovisual Content of the Universidad de Salamanca where she participates in different research works on the media and ethnic minorities. She is currently an assistant professor at the Universidad de Salamanca and a teacher at the American institution IES Abroad Salamanca.

Beatriz González de Garay, Universidad de Salamanca

Beatriz González de Garay is an Associate Professor at the Universidad de Salamanca, coordinator of the Unit for Affective-Sexual Diversity and Gender Identity, and a member of the Observatory of Audiovisual Content. She graduated with the Extraordinary End of Degree Award in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid and a European Doctorate from the Universidad Complutense. Her main areas of research are gender and sexual diversity studies in television fiction, fields in which she has numerous academic publications and research projects, such as R+D+I LGBTI+ representation in Spanish serial fiction and effectiveness in the reduction of prejudices based on sexual orientation and gender identity (PID2019-110351RB-I00).


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