Institutional communication in the covid-19 crisis: the case of the Malaga City Council.

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Jesús Espino González


COVID-19 modified, overnight, the routine of citizens, and therefore that of journalists and communication offices. The great health and social impact of the pandemic have forced public administrations to accept an ongoing crisis management procedure that remains open, which is unprecedented for institutional communication in the 21st century. Political communication professionals have had to innovate to maintain the information flow and meet the demands of the population and the organizations they work for at the same time. The purpose of this mixed methods research is to analyze the changes that the administration strategies, techniques, and procedures have undergone as a consequence of the coronavirus crisis during its first two years. The frame of reference to do this is the City Council of Malaga, the sixth most populous city in Spain, to determine the methods and the resources used by the local government to maintain the lines of communication active despite the confinement and the restrictions posed by the state of alarm declared on March 14th, 2020. Though many of the implemented changes have disappeared with the restoration of physical events and past routines, the tendency to bypass media has prevailed. The centralization of all information, the organization of telematic media conferences, the fact that almost half of the official communications issued in 2020 by the City Council were related to the health crisis, the commitment to verified social networks to deal with fake news, and the institutional advertising campaigns aimed to raise awareness have been the main resources used by the Malaga city press office, which essential public service as a guide has made a great contribution to both the general conversation and the reduction of uncertainty. 


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How to Cite
Espino González, Jesús. 2022. “Institutional communication in the covid-19 crisis: the case of the Malaga City Council”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 55 (April):67-92.
Crisis Communication Management. Present and future
Author Biography

Jesús Espino González, Universidad de Málaga

Doctoral student in Education and Social Communication (UMA), master's degree in Research in Communication, Audiences, and Professional Practice in Europe (UMA), master's degree in Political and Electoral Communication Management (UAB), Bachelor's Degree in Journalism (University of Wales, EADE). General Director of Communication of the Malaga City Council, honorary collaborator of the Department of Journalism of the UMA, and professor in the Communication degrees of EADE. In his more than two decades of journalistic career, he has been a delegate in Malaga for 20 minutos, local head of Málaga hoy, head of Communication for the Partido Popular de Málaga, and editor of La Opinion de Málaga, among other positions. He has taught the 1st year Baccalaureate Media Communication course at the Colegio Cerrado de Calderón.

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Google Scholar: HGYrqN8AAAAJ




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