Acknowledgment modalities, professional trajectory, and political position in the Argentine journalist field

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Leonela Infante
Javier Nuñez


The article studies different acknowledgment modalities in which Argentine journalists validate media and colleagues as more important ones. A characterization of the journalist’s field is developed in terms of the professional trajectory and political positioning, considering correspondences between social space positions and the definition of hierarchical social places. A quantitative methodology was applied. Surveys made on journalists led to the confection of a taxonomy in which their social field could be illustrated. It is considered that the professional space is able to translate a series of asymmetrical references from established positions to the “newcomers”. This references are not politically neutral; they tend to favour conservative media. On the contrary, the acknowledgment of colleagues as consecrated involves a political segmentation, in which those superior positions in the social space are validated, but on the bases of a political differentiation between proximity to the Frente de Todos or to Juntos por el Cambio, Argentina’s two principal political forces. The analysis describes the superposition between media and journalists mentioned in the survey and the taxonomy. In this way, the mapping of the social space seeks to find correspondences between the actor’s representations –which symbolically consecrate both media and colleagues- and their places in the professional’s field structure.


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How to Cite
Infante, Leonela, and Javier Nuñez. 2022. “Acknowledgment modalities, professional trajectory, and political position in the Argentine journalist field”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 55 (April):75-99.
Research article
Author Biographies

Leonela Infante, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Internal doctoral fellow at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research based at the Gino Germani Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires. First Assistant in the Political Science Career, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Degree in Sociology, Master's degree in Political and Social Theory from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. She has published works on political sociology and public opinion.

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Javier Nuñez, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Internal doctoral fellow at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research based at the Gino Germani Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires. First Assistant in the Political Science Career, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Degree in Political Science and Degree in Sociology from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Master’s Degree in Sociology of Culture and Cultural Analysis from the Universidad Nacional de San Martín. He has published works on public opinion, social representations, and memoirs.

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