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Aránzazu Román-San-Miguel
Manuel J. Cartes-Barroso


With the advent of the Internet and multiscreen, audio and video content producers have had to generate new formats to be heard and seen in a timeless way, in order to respond to new consumer demands. This is the context in which audio podcasting (podcasting) and video podcasting (vodcasting) appear, which have gained popularity in recent times. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 was a turning point for these new audiovisual formats, when some channels opted to include them in part of their programming. This is the case of Eurosport’s ‘Confinados’ vodcast, which we analyse in this research. The main objective of this article is to analyse this vodcast, to know how it is structured and to examine the contents developed. The methodology used is the content analysis of its different episodes, broadcast during the first state of alarm in Spain, from March 2020. We highlight the peculiar case of ‘Confinados’, which has taken the reverse path to the podcasts that appeared as radio or television on Demand, since it emerged as a vodcast that later became a television programme. We highlight the step taken by Eurosport towards a new way of reporting, in the midst of a pandemic, to adapt to the needs of the audience, as well as the contribution to specialisation in sports journalism, with experts and journalists in this field, specificity and brevity in their topics and a wide range of audiovisual journalistic genres.


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Román-San-Miguel, Aránzazu, and Manuel J. Cartes-Barroso. 2022. “VODCASTING IN SPAIN. ‘CONFINADOS’ OF EUROSPORT, THE REVERSE PATH ”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 55 (April):57-73. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2022.55.e765.
Research article


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