Not so transmedia: channels and participatory culture in Skam Spain audiences

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Eglee Ortega Fernandez
Enrique Vaquerizo Domínguez


The media and entertainment ecosystem have been increasingly incorporating content based on transmedia narrative models, because of the multiplication of channels, the evolution of ICT, and the adoption by audiences of a more active role within the creative processes. The generalization of the multiplatform distribution of these new narratives facilitates the leading role of the public, which is organized in communities that have emerged and grouped around the content. The Skam Spain series, the object of study of this research, is framed within these parameters, following the model of the original series of Norwegian origin. This fiction is an example that could seem representative of the use of transmedia to expand its narrative possibilities and at the same time get closer to its followers. Among the objectives that are proposed are the identification of the transmedia aspects of the series in its fourth season, defining the role of the broadcast channels, identifying the content that generates the greatest interaction, and valuing the role of the fan community as generators and participants. of the expansion of the narrative world. A mixed methodology is applied, focused on a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of eight episodes of the fourth season of the series Skam in Spain. After developing this study where the expansion of the narrative channels and the interaction with their fan communities can be observed, having as a strong point the breaking of paradigms in the use of the channels to promote engagement with the audiences, the results obtained point to the application of a timid transmedia narrative of the channels used by the series, as well as the metafictional resources that allow crossing that line between fiction and reality, also defined by the concept of the fifth wall.


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How to Cite
Ortega Fernandez, Eglee, and Enrique Vaquerizo Domínguez. 2022. “Not so transmedia: channels and participatory culture in Skam Spain audiences”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 55 (May):147-67.
Research article
Author Biographies

Eglee Ortega Fernandez, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Director of the Master's Degree in Marketing and Digital Advertising and Full Professor at the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija. Associate professor in the Department of New Media of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Bachelor’s Degree in Social Communication (Journalism), with a Master's degree in Political and Business Communication and a Master's degree in Digital Marketing, Communication, and Social Networks, Universidad Camilo José Cela of Madrid. Areas: communication, political communication, digital marketing, SEO, social networks, television fiction, new audiences.

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Enrique Vaquerizo Domínguez , Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Professor of Transmedia Journalism in the University Master's Degree in Data Journalism at Universidad Nebrija. Honorary Collaborator of the Department of Journalism and New Media, Faculty of Information Sciences of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ph.D. in Information Sciences, Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, and Bachelor’s Degree in History, with higher studies in Communication, Foreign Trade, and Cooperation for Development. Specialist in digital and corporate communication. He has simultaneously worked in various fields of Institutional, Business, and Social Communication, with the development of multimedia content, 360º communication campaigns, awareness, and fundraising for the management of online communities. Collaboration as a freelance journalist specializing in social and travel issues; and author of travel literature with several published books.

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