The rise of Vox and populismo n Youtube before and during Covid-19 pandemic

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Víctor Cerdán Martínez
Alvaro Giménez Sarmiento
Graciela Padilla Castillo


YouTube is one of the platforms most used by young people for viewing audiovisual content on the Internet. Although several recent studies analyze the trends in searches for political videos on YouTube, there is no study that analyzes the evolution of the popularity of Spanish political parties on this social network. For this research we will use a quantitative and qualitative methodology based on data from the Google Trends platform in order to find out the evolution of the popularity of these parties on YouTube before and during the pandemic. The results place Vox (7.6) as the most searched party on YouTube over the last ten years, followed by United We Can (6.3), PSOE (4.4) and PP (3.5). In the period of the pandemic, Vox increased its popularity (15.3) and the Popular Party came in second place (4.2). We performed a statistical analysis to compare the most searched match on YouTube with the rest of the matches in both periods. The regression analysis of searches between “Vox” and “PP” during the last decade was R² = 0.51 and during the period of the pandemic R² = 0.15. The correlation of “Vox” with the other parties in was R <0.06 in both periods. We conclude that Vox has become the most sought after match on YouTube during the Covid-19 pandemic, a social network used mainly by young people. Factor that determines the recent success of a party that some authors associate with a populist discourse.


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How to Cite
Cerdán Martínez, Víctor, Alvaro Giménez Sarmiento, and Graciela Padilla Castillo. 2022. “The rise of Vox and populismo n Youtube before and during Covid-19 pandemic”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI 55 (March):17-35.
Research article
Author Biographies

Víctor Cerdán Martínez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

He is a professor and researcher at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has published articles in journals indexed in the SJR and JCR rankings (Q1, Q2, and Q3). In films, he has directed four short films and a fiction feature film, screened and awarded at International Film Festivals.

Alvaro Giménez Sarmiento, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Álvaro Giménez Sarmiento has a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), a diploma in Film Direction from the Escuela de la Cinematografía y el Audiovisual de la Comunidad de Madrid (ECAM) -Special End of Degree Award-, and has a Master's Degree in Spanish Film Studies from the Universdad Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid (URJC).

Graciela Padilla Castillo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Coordinator of the Degree in Journalism, in the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Member of the Feminist Research Institute (UCM). Member of the EJO (European Journalism Observatory) since its foundation in Spain. She is the author and co-author of a hundred book chapters and academic articles, published in high-impact journals. Likewise, she has coordinated more than 10 collective works and has participated in more than thirty competitive, private, and teaching innovation research works.


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