Trato del telediario público a temas y líderes políticos (2014-2021)

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Noel Bandera López


Considering the absence or delay and incompleteness in the registration of what is shown in public TV, it is offered a unique study, because of its reach (from 2014 to 2021) and new method, about news program from the first channel of the National Spanish Television. It is used Civio’s Foundation tool: Verba, whose transparency-seeking is presented in the introduction, besides treating media influence in political parties and agenda. There are two groups of elements that are assessed: 30 names of political leaders and 30 terms with political incidence (the 15 most common issues to citizens, according to the last CIS analysis issued and 15 others linked). This model is centered in pronounced terms, lacking other audiovisual elements from the news program. Results show a favorable treatment to PSOE, PP, and Ciudadanos and unfavorable to political parties on the left, nationalist parties, and Vox. From the selected words, it is found that some terms, such as “consensus” and especially “controversy”, are highly used whilst social issues receive less importance than the expressed by citizens, and terms related to the political or economic system are barely mentioned. There is no proportionality nor in the relevance granted to the issues appearing on the CIS nor to the political parties according to its electoral results. Future research could use the method, polishing it to not count irrelevant mentions.


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How to Cite
Bandera López, Noel. 2021. “Trato del telediario público a temas y líderes políticos (2014-2021)”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 54 (December):19-39.
Politics, journalism and television Populism and peripheral actors
Author Biography

Noel Bandera López, Universitat de València

Predoctoral researcher at the Human Rights Institute of the Universitat de València, a beneficiary of the FPU grant from the Government of Spain for the Training of University Teachers, with 3 bachelor's degrees (Law, Political and Administration Sciences, and Sociology), and 2 master’s degrees (Contemporary Philosophy and Communication, culture, society, and politics) at the Universidad de Granada and the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. He is a promoter of the Accountable project for the evaluation of compliance with electoral programs, his doctoral thesis is "Materialization of democratic values ​​in Spain in the context of the 2019 European elections", directed by Roberto Viciano Pastor and to be defended in 2022.


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