Music and sound for brand empowerment: the IKEA’s case

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Diego Calderón-Garrido
Josep Gustems-Carnicer


This paper aims to assess the music and the sound in the enhancement of brand characteristics, taking as an example an ad from IKEA, broadcast for the Christmas campaign 2018. For this aim, we distinguish the most relevant emotions, the orientation towards consumption, together with a psychosocial characterization of the brand. Through a multimodal analysis, carried out by a sample of 86 students of the degree of cinematography at the Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisual of Catalonia who repeatedly visualized this announcement, a predominance of sadness and nervousness was observed through, not only images but the use of music already used in other audiovisual products (Claire de Lune de C. Debussy), the use of voices and strategic use of silences. Thanks to multimodal analysis, the orientation of the ad towards human values is appreciated, as well as a certain preponderance of young people and women in the interest to this brand, through the use of sound.  


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Calderón-Garrido, D., and Gustems-Carnicer, J. (2021). Music and sound for brand empowerment: the IKEA’s case. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, (54), 205–222.
Research article
Author Biographies

Diego Calderón-Garrido, Universitat de Barcelona

Ph.D. in Art History, Ph.D. in Educational Technology, with a higher degree in Jazz and Modern Music. Serra Húnter Fellow at the Universitat de Barcelona, Faculty of Education. His research areas revolve around the use of music and sound in different audiovisual fields, as well as the role that music and sound play in the characterization of the various communicative contexts. He is the author of more than 100 chapters and books on these topics.

Josep Gustems-Carnicer, Universitat de Barcelona

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, with a higher degree in music and a degree in Geography and History. He is a Full Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona. His research areas revolve around the use of music and sound in different audiovisual fields, as well as the role that music and sound play in the characterization of the various communicative contexts. He is the author of more than 200 chapters and books on these topics.


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