Production design tools in 360-degree music video as a model for the need for a more immersive audiovisual product

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Francisco Vegas Molina


The 2020 health crisis and all mobility restrictions imposed by all territorial’s authorities to control the spread of SARS-COVID-19 have created a general situation of self-isolation around the world. These situations have generated the need for a new experiencing way, more immersive and participative over cultural products. Thus, users’ interaction has increased in certain kinds of online platforms and products which allow to satisfying this kind of needs, like 360-degree or spherical music videos. Although this kind of spherical video already gained experience since 2015 on platforms like Youtube, its popularity was not enough to standardize its production. This does not only affect professionals but also non-professional users (better known as prosumers) which are the true causative agents of most new types and transformations in music videos. This research’s goal is to study the different production design tools used in a real case: Efímera (Love of lesbian, 2015), to shed light on the particularities of this kind of production, as well as offer the different tools used to create it.


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How to Cite
Vegas Molina, Francisco. 2021. “Production design tools in 360-degree music video as a model for the need for a more immersive audiovisual product”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 54 (December):65-92.
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Author Biography

Francisco Vegas Molina, Universidad de Málaga

Francisco Vegas Molina is a doctoral student at the Universidad de Málaga under the line of cultural industries, an area of ​​study where he tries to mix the theoretical advances of the world of communication with other more technical ones derived from his academic training (graduated in Advertising and Public Relations, Master's Degree in Audiovisual Creation for Performing Arts, Master's Degree in 3D Character Modeling for Films-Video Games, and Specialist in Motion Graphics/VFX) and his profession as an art director at Freepik Company. He has published about music videos, music videos in Japan, and interviews with professionals in the film field, as well as presentations at related international conferences such as KISMIF, held in Porto (Portugal).


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