The Journalistic Interview as a Paradigm of Dialogic Gender: Study of the Lexicon in the Spanish Press
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The journalistic interview is a contemporary social phenomenon characterized by the fact that a public message indirectly is directed to audiences through diverse media. In this study is approached the research of the lexicon of the journalistic interview in the Spanish press during the years 2008 and 2009. There are studied the historical precedents of the journalistic interview, his definitions, his methods, the relation between interviewer and interviewed and the professional ethics of the journalist. There has been selected a sample of interviews published in newspapers of national issue to investigate the different types of languages. There is stated the massive use of the colloquial language, the Rhetoric, the presence of the violent language and the utilization of topics. Curiosity, tolerance, caution, domain of the language, aptitude to listen and the mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods are the desirable skills in a journalist to realize the interviews with the maximum rigour.
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