Disruption in the communicative model of expert sources: the impact of COVID-19 on both cultural-scientific and innovation units

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Clara Sanz-Hernando
Macarena Parejo-Cuéllar


The impact of COVID-19 during the state of alarm on the cultural-scientific and the innovation units that form part of the network Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología [Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology] is analyzed in this paper. In a context marked by the «infodemic», the role of the Foundation as a source of expert opinion, the lessons learned, and the opportunities for improvement that all crisis-related processes entail, as well as tools, routines, and information management methods are all scrutinized. This investigation applies both quantitative and qualitative perspectives and includes semi-structured questionnaires directed at those in charge of the aforementioned units (n=24 of 104) and in-depth interviews with authors qualified in the dissemination of science who, in turn, appear in the Whitebook of these units (n=5 of 9). The study highlights that the pandemic occasioned disruptions in the model of communication and dissemination as some of its actions were not able to be carried out in person. The need to heighten their relevance as sources of expert opinion, and to organize greater coordination, to optimize the efficacy of this network against disinformation. In addition, the paper focuses on the challenges that these units must face in the future to implement the objective for which they were created.


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How to Cite
Sanz-Hernando, Clara, and Macarena Parejo-Cuéllar. 2021. “Disruption in the communicative model of expert sources: the impact of COVID-19 on both cultural-scientific and innovation units”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 54 (June):163-86. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2021.54.e697.
Research article
Author Biographies

Clara Sanz-Hernando, Universidad de Extremadura

Professor of Journalism at the Faculty of Documentation and Information Sciences of the University of Extremadura (Badajoz campus). With a degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University and a doctorate with mention of Extraordinary Award, she has practiced the journalistic profession for 30 years, both in private media and in the Public Administration, where she has carried out tasks of communication manager. As a teacher, she teaches subjects related to the press and radio. She belongs to the ARDOPA Research Group (UEx). Her lines of research focus on the media during the Civil War and the Franco regime, and the configuration of the information ecosystem after the changes that have occurred due to the introduction of digital journalism.

Macarena Parejo-Cuéllar, University of Extremadura

Ph.D. in Communication, she graduated in Journalism and graduated in VAC. She belongs to the ARDOPA Research Group (University of Extremadura). Her doctoral thesis has been focused on the analysis of the communication offices of Spanish universities. She has worked in various media and for a decade she has worked, as a journalist, in the Scientific Culture Unit of the UEx. Currently, she is a professor in the area of Journalism at UEx. Her research is focused on the communication of science, scientific journalism, and the potential of university media in the transfer of knowledge to society. She is co-author of various publications (scientific articles and books) on divulgation, corporate communication, and university media.


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