Television fandom

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Alba-María Martínez-Sala
Almudena Barrientos-Báez
David Caldevilla-Domínguez


The new forms of audiovisual content consumption give an important role to fandom television due to the potential it offers to organizations in the sector such as Netflix, regarding one of its main audiences, teenagers. This research analyses the impact of this phenomenon on the online interaction and engagement of Netflix followers on Twitter and Instagram. To this end, quantitative content analysis is carried out that classifies the publications based on two indicators: content and purpose of the publications. Regarding content, the first indicator, the distribution of publications is quite balanced and publications with content about television series generate good levels of interaction and online engagement. This confirms the incidence of television fandom, especially on Instagram. Concerning the purpose of the publications, the second indicator, a scarce presence of participatory publications is observed despite that these publications generate higher levels of interaction and online engagement. It concludes about the advantages of television fandom and its emerging use that can be improved by providing publications on series with a collaborative character. But it is also found that the brand's communication strategy has been correctly designed because it includes different actions depending on the different characteristics and audiences of each of the two analyzed social networks.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Sala, Alba-María, Almudena Barrientos-Báez, and David Caldevilla-Domínguez. 2021. “Television fandom”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 54 (April):57-80.
Digital storytelling in the consumer society
Author Biographies

Alba-María Martínez-Sala, University of Alicante

Doctor of Fine Arts (Art and graphic design) and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the Miguel Hernández University (2015-2016). She has a degree in Information Sciences, Advertising, and Public Relations (Complutense University of Madrid). She is an Assistant Professor (accredited to Associate Professor by ANECA and AVAP) at the University of Alicante (UA), in the Department of Communication and Social Psychology (Official Degree and Official Masters). Her main lines of research are focused on the area of communication and digital marketing strategies in both the public and private spheres. She belongs to the research groups MAE-COand AgeCOM(UA) and GCE(Private Technical University of Loja, Ecuador). She has been distinguished as an honorary professor by the Catholic University of Miami (USA).

Almudena Barrientos-Báez, Iriarte University School of Tourism

Doctor with an international mention in Education (accredited Associate Professor). Professor at the Iriarte University School of Tourism, attached to the ULL and at the European University. Master in Management of Protocol, Production, Organization, and Design of Events - Communication area - (UCJC), and Master in Management of Tourist Accommodation (University of Girona). Degree in Tourism (EUTI-ULL) and Teaching (University of Valencia). She is part of the DEBATv project, Televised Electoral Debates in Spain: Models, Process, Diagnosis, and Proposal (CSO2017-83159-R), R+D+I project, and of the project New values, governance, financing, and public audiovisual services for Internet society: European and Spanish contrasts (RTI2018-096065-B-I00) of research of the State R+D+I Program oriented to the Challenges of Society of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MCIUby its acronym in Spanish), Research State Agency (AEI by its acronym in Spanish), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).  

David Caldevilla-Domínguez, Complutense University of Madrid

Bachelor and Doctor in Information Sciences (Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University). Diploma in Teaching (University of Zaragoza). Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM. Lecturer at: Complutense University, European University of Madrid, IED, ESERP, and IPAM (Oporto -Portugal-). Index h 16. 6thSpanish author in published works, 13thin cited articles, and 20thin citations received from 747 total authors.


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