Resistance to change in the audiovisual media before the implementation of the new Information and Social Communication Technologies

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José Francisco Díaz Cuesta


Objective: It is the responsibility of the media, as a public service, to adapt to the multimedia technological reality, to continue to carry out their informative work effectively. However, any process of change in an organization implies an initial resistance and a process of adaptation by the professionals. We analyze the process of resistance to change, its causes, consequences, and possible prevention strategies, through real situations in audiovisual media (RTVE). Methodology: Systematic bibliographic review of the literature on resistance to change in the media in the face of the introduction of new technologies and the experience published on three scenarios: A new Digitalized and Centrally-accessible Information in territorial centers and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussion-Results: Mechanisms involved in resistance to change are exposed, such as certain characteristics of the professionals (professional career, experience with new technologies) and the process (role changes out of the professional's comfort zone). The mechanisms of opposition to change (strikes, disguised rejection) and the effective preventive strategies (involvement of professionals in the design of the process, effectiveness of facilitators, or positive reinforcements in the form of incentives) are presented. Conclusions: The professionalism and seniority of the staff could have contributed to the rejection of the change, although it has guaranteed to implement it with little conflict. As effective strategies to overcome resistance, positive reinforcement, involvement in the design of professionals, and the increase in two-way communication based on the technologies themselves (social networks) are presented.


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How to Cite
Díaz Cuesta, José Francisco. 2021. “Resistance to change in the audiovisual media before the implementation of the new Information and Social Communication Technologies”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 54 (April):39-55.
Digital storytelling in the consumer society
Author Biography

José Francisco Díaz Cuesta, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor in Journalism from the UCM. He has been an RTVE worker since 1988 and currently is deputy director of the RTVE Institute (RTVE Corporation). UCM Professor, Faculty of Information Sciences, Department of Journalism and New Media. Subject information on television. The Complutense University of Madrid. Spain


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