Video game based on the game-based learning methodology as a means of communication for the formation of eating habits in children with celiac disease

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Jeanín M. Santos Rivera
Elvira E. Navas Piñate


This study proposes the design of a video game based on the game-based learning methodology as a means of communication to facilitate the formation of healthy eating habits in children with a diagnosis of Celiac Disease (CD). The need arises from what is observed in the professional practice in the nutrition consultation, where mothers of celiac patients express as their main concern the fact that the child, exposed to various social and academic activities, in which they are not necessarily with their company, be able to comply with the gluten-free diet, the only treatment for CD. The research is based on the concept and clinical manifestations of CD, the use of games as a teaching resource (game-based learning), and the theoretical vision of the constructivist paradigm of learning. Due to its characteristics, this research is congruent with the Feasible Project, at a descriptive level and is supported by documentary research using the analysis technique and the documentary record as an instrument for obtaining information. It was developed in two phases, a preparatory phase where the necessary documentary information was obtained to fulfill the proposed objectives and a design phase that consisted of the development of the instructional components of the video game and the approach to a prototype. The video game designed is then an educational game (serious game) called El Mundo de Celia, which consists of a world in the form of a board, composed of three levels, where the participant must overcome nine challenges in total, and by practicing the game, you can achieve a greater understanding of the disease and finally apply this knowledge in daily life, achieving the consolidation of healthy eating habits adapted to the celiac condition that allow you to improve your health.


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How to Cite
Santos Rivera, Jeanín M., and Elvira E. Navas Piñate. 2020. “Video game based on the game-based learning methodology as a means of communication for the formation of eating habits in children with celiac disease”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 53 (November):83-102.
Author Biographies

Jeanín M. Santos Rivera, Universidad Metropolitana

Graduate in Nutrition and Dietetics (UCV), Specialist in Technology, Learning, and Knowledge (UNIMET). Assistant professor at the Metropolitan University, Caracas, Venezuela, of the subjects of Art and Science of Gastronomy, Nutritional Education and Technologies for Learning.

Elvira E. Navas Piñate, Metropolitan University

Computer Engineer (USB), Specialist in Educational Informatics (USB), PhD in Research in Didactics and Organization of Educational Institutions (US). Professor at the Metropolitan University, Caracas, Venezuela, of the subjects of the line of Computer Programming and Educational Technology. Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Arts.


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