Transformational leadership and sustainable green environmental development in teachers at Hermilio Valdizan National University Transformational leadership factors

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Atanacia Santacruz Espinoza
Humberto Montenegro Muguerza
Armando Pizarro Alejandro
Hamilton Estacio Flores


The green sustainable development concept articulates the various scientific disciplines of knowing how to act, think, live, feel. Therefore, the transformative leader must promote the change from a black economy to a green environmental economy. Therefore, guarantee natural rights through sustainable empowerment over time. The research was applied, explanatory level, and descriptive-correlational design, with a probabilistic and stratified sampling. Due to its scope it is descriptive and due to its quantitative, qualitative and mixed purpose. Methodologically, the research puts various bibliographic sources into dialogue. The analysis of the results has been carried out using the inferential and descriptive statistics. The method used is the scientific method and as specific methods: hermeneutic, dogmatic and heuristic. The survey technique and the survey questionnaire instrument were used. The main conclusion is that there is a strong (rho = 0.788) and highly significant direct correlation with (p-value: 0.000) between transformational leadership and green sustainable development The students, teachers and administrators of the Hermilio Valdizán National University had a medium or regular level, it has been discovered in them that they give society guidance for proper recycling, conducive discussions to avoid paying high prices for electricity consumption, buy only what is needed, stop buying junk food in favor of health, use university or public transportation instead of private; This, for the generational sustainability with the practice of a circular economy through the use of responsible technology.


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How to Cite
Santacruz Espinoza, Atanacia, Humberto Montenegro Muguerza, Armando Pizarro Alejandro, and Hamilton Estacio Flores. 2020. “Transformational leadership and sustainable green environmental development in teachers at Hermilio Valdizan National University: Transformational leadership factors”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 53 (November):135-51.
Author Biographies

Atanacia Santacruz Espinoza, Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia

She is a full-time professor at the National Intercultural University of the Amazon. Degree in Education, Master's Degree in Research and Higher Teaching (Hermilio Valdizán National University of Huánuco, Peru), Doctorate in Educational Sciences. She has completed Second Specialization studies in Initial Education. She has been Head of the Department of Humanities from 2010-2012. She has been an undergraduate advisor at UNIA, and a Ph.D. at the Hermilio Valdizán National University. Refereed publications nationally and internationally.

Humberto Montenegro Muguerza , Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán

Post-doctorate in Sciences. Doctor of Education and Doctor of Law at the Hermilio Valdizán National University. Degree in Education, Specialty of Language and Philosophy. He also obtained a Professional Degree in Law and Political Science, both degrees were obtained at the Hermilio Valdizán National University. Ordinary teacher at UNHEVAl. Visiting professor at the Postgraduate level at UNHEVAL, César Vallejo, National Agrarian University of la Selva, taught the scientific disciplines of Scientific Research, Linguistics, Philosophy of Law, Constitutional Law... Lecturer at the Universities of: Huánuco, Tingo María, Lima, Chiclayo, and Cajamarca; International: Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, at the Universidad del Valle, Colombia. He is also a poet, musician, and declaimer. He belongs to the Peruvian Association of Children's and Youth Literature (APLIJ).

Armando Pizarro Alejandro, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán

He teaches at the Hermilio Valdizán National University of Huánuco, at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Master of Laws, with a Mention in Criminal Sciences (Hermilio Valdizán National University of Huánuco, Peru), Doctorate in Law. He has studied Philosophy and Social Sciences. Currently Dean of the Professional Career of Law and Political Sciences of the Hermilio Valdizán National University. He has been an undergraduate, master's, and doctoral advisor at the Hermilio Valdizán National University.

Hamilton Estacio Flores, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán

Lawyer graduated from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Magister in Law, with a mention in Civil and Commercial Law, from the Hermilio Valdizán National University; Bachelor of Law and Political Science, from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Doctor of Law, from the Hermilio Valdizán National University; lecturer at national and international level. He is currently Director of the Graduate School of the Faculty of Law and Political Science.


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