Advertising messages on food products. Comparative analysis of Colacao and Nesquik

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África Presol Herrero
Laura Melendo Rodríguez-Carmona


This research analyzes the transformation of the communication of the advertising message aimed at young people. A qualitative methodology based on the observation of the advertising phenomenon is established, which has been used as an examination tool, a content analysis model that has allowed the evaluation of the use of codes, the treatment of the strategy, and the compositional proposal of the messages in the media. The objects of study have been the brands Colacao and Nesquik. In the analysis, creative pieces were selected for pre-adolescents, aged between seven and twelve years, inclusive. It is a target of digital natives with valid skills to discriminate the message of the advertising content. The results show how brands make significant changes mainly related to content and the way of transmitting information and adapting the structure, objectives, and creative concepts to the interests of the recipient to increase the identification of the benefit with the interests of your audience.


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How to Cite
Presol Herrero, África, and Laura Melendo Rodríguez-Carmona. 2021. “Advertising messages on food products. Comparative analysis of Colacao and Nesquik”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 54 (April):1-16.
Digital storytelling in the consumer society
Author Biographies

África Presol Herrero, Antonio de Nebrija University

Ph.D. in Advertising and Public Relations from the Camilo José Cela University. She has a degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is the director of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the Faculty of Communication and Arts at the Antonio de Nebrija University. Professor of Graphic Design, Creative Thinking, and Advertising Design. My teaching and research activity focused on lines of research: creativity and graphic design, new technologies, corporate image, and educational innovation. With more than 800 hours of complimentary training as a teacher, direction and evaluation of TFM and TFG, degree management, and coordination of subjects and degrees, management positions, and several educational innovation projects.   

Laura Melendo Rodríguez-Carmona, Camilo José Cela University

Associate Professor (ANECA) with extensive teaching and research activities focused on clear lines of research: media planning, advertising communication, transmedia narrative, new technologies, and educational innovation. She shows an important activity with book chapters and journal articles, in many cases the result of competitive research where she has participated as a researcher. Likewise, she presents a profuse activity in congresses, national and international, as a guest speaker and organizer, on many occasions. She has done more than 250 hours of complimentary training as a teacher, the direction of a doctoral thesis, and the direction and evaluation of TFM and TFG, the coordination of subjects and degrees, and several educational innovation projects. Furthermore, she has been the ICT coordinator of the UCJC, managing teaching and educational technologies in undergraduate, master, and doctorate degrees, and has work experience in advertising.


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