Edmodo: an e-learning platform for inclusion
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This article summarizes the pedagogical experience of including the LMS: edmodo within the educational resources of a Venezuelan college and a university. In its development, the most important characteristics of the environment, the implications of including, in teaching, the description of the socio-economic context of Venezuela, the use of the LMS and the benefits generated therefrom are addressed and, finally, the conclusions reached after assessing the impact of its application. The edmodo e-learning platform has become an inclusion mechanism by offering free-access environments, repositories of digital resources and effective communication mechanisms between students and teachers. This is a logical part of the process of adaptation to the new information technologies by the educational sector, being an indication that it goes well beyond the arbitrary and expensive distribution of computer equipment in the classroom: the logical path of this adaptation, given the general experience with ICT, is to create software tools that allow us to use hardware for specifically academic purposes that, in addition, involve some type of advantage or improvement over the analogical class.
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