ICT as a research tool: analyzing neurolinguistic programming techniques
Main Article Content
In this research paper, we are going to analyze in depth the characteristic neurolinguistic programming tools and issues closely related and linked to their environment, development, use and social awareness, with the final aim to prove or disprove their veracity regarding the different types of learning embraced and indirectly affected by this discipline, as well as the idea itself that the direction of one’s look (the direction in which the person focuses their eyes while talking with another, pointing to areas of the brain with specific known functions) either entails or not a reliable indication of whether someone is lying or telling the truth. The content of this paper consists in having put this hypothesis into practice and in an effort to test its results. Thus we have the ultimate goal of reaching a conclusion on the fact of whether neurolinguistic programming tools and their related elements are testable or not, refutable or not; as it is currently not substantiated or proven with tools, techniques and technologies that are considered measurable unlike other tools that have had the benefit of this test, such as, for example, Eye Tracking.
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