Use of digital social media as a marketing strategy in pyrotechnic smes of Tultepec in the state of Mexico

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Alan Roberto Villagómez Manrique
Elizabeth Acosta Gonzaga


The use of digital social media (DSM) as a marketing strategy has become a fundamental practice for companies around the world. In Mexico, 99.8% of enterprises are small and medium-sized (SMEs) and, despite their importance, there is little literature on the use of DSM as a marketing strategy in Mexican SMEs. Also, the pyrotechnic industry of Tultepec, State of Mexico, produces 50% of the national pyrotechnics, employs up to 60% of the local population and is composed mainly of SMEs. Given the relevance of this production system, the objective of this piece of research is to determine the percentage of Tultepec pyrotechnics companies that use DSM as a marketing strategy, the main uses they are given and, in their absence, the reasons for not using them. To this end, questionnaires were applied to the owners of various companies in the pyrotechnics production chain (raw material stores, manufacturers and intermediaries) and it was found that only 15% of respondents use DSM as a marketing strategy and use them mainly to position the brand and reach larger audiences. Finally, it was found that the main reason for not using them is the insecurity and experiences related to crime. The results obtained show the need for a training strategy for business owners that leads to a safe and effective use of DSM as a marketing tool.


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How to Cite
Villagómez Manrique, A. R., and Acosta Gonzaga, E. (2020). Use of digital social media as a marketing strategy in pyrotechnic smes of Tultepec in the state of Mexico. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, (52), 73–93.
Author Biographies

Alan Roberto Villagómez Manrique, National Polytechnic Institute

Degree in physics. Student of the Master of Science program in Interdisciplinary Studies in small and medium-sized companies, from the National Polytechnic Institute. Program included in the PNAC of CONACYT.

Elizabeth Acosta Gonzaga, National Polytechnic Institute

PhD in Educational Research. Teacher and Researcher of the Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies in small and medium-sized companies of the National Polytechnic Institute. Program included in the PNAC of CONACYT.


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