The pedagogical discourse in the teaching of concepts in chemistry with the use of the school text

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Pedro A. Certad Villarroel
Tulio Ramírez


In the present study, it was proposed to analyze the academic scientific discourse in the teaching of a selection of basic concepts of Chemistry using the school text as an encounter point among interactions. From its method it intended an explanatory level under a mixed or combined type design with the use of the content analysis technique that served as a union between quantitative data related to the count of categories and frequency of occurrences within the verbal capital with qualitative information from the record of interactions, recordings and transcripts of the events observed during the use of the school text. At the end it could be concluded that observation during interactions was characterized by the predominance of dialogue units over monologues, using a close focused scientific language, which at times was imprecise and inclusive. The sequences show three different moments and a predominance of the masterful explanation in which some strategies are used with a closing marked by the performance of activities proposed by both: the teacher and the school text. The recognition of learning models was very particular because in no case, it was a pure model that allowed to frame the class in order to identify how it would be carried out, what to expect, what not to expect. In short, to recognize the class and the model by which it was given; it was from the interweaving of the attributes of each learning model that it became possible to characterize the teacher.


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How to Cite
Certad Villarroel, Pedro A., and Tulio Ramírez. 2020. “The pedagogical discourse in the teaching of concepts in chemistry with the use of the school text”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 52 (July):49-72.
Author Biographies

Pedro A. Certad Villarroel, Metropolitan University

Bachelor of Education, specialist in Technology, Learning and Knowledge, Doctor of Education (UCV). Associate Professor at the Metropolitan University, Research Professor, Director for the development of competences and Director (E) of initial studies at the Metropolitan University. Affiliated University: Metropolitan University (UNIMET).

Tulio Ramírez, Andrés Bello Catholic University

Lawyer, Sociologist, MSc. in Human Resources Training, Doctor of Philosophy and Educational Sciences (UNED). Full Professor at the Central University of Venezuela, Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University and Andrés Bello Catholic University. Director of the Doctorate in Education (UCAB). Affiliated University: Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB).


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