Proposal of intervention promoted by the government delegation of Spain for gender based violence. Anlysis of a referent document for professionals
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This paper has carried out the analysis of a Guidelines Proposal for Intervention with Women Victims of Gender Based Violence promoted by the Government Delegation of Spain for Gender Based Violence and aimed at professionals. From a Critical Discourse Analysis, the work has as objective to visualize the revictimizing framework from which the intervention against gender based violence is addressed. It also aims to evidence a lack of rigour extended to key processes that constitute what should be a profesional care and that inevitably impacts on the sensitive people who may need such care. Consequently, it can be seen the simplistic and reductionist conception that underlies the Social Intervention, and that devalues both the latter and its professionals (women mostly). Understanding this document as an institutional discursive production, it serves as an example of the current state of the issue. This paper points out the neccesity to improve the Intervention against Gender Based Violence, and also some of those invisible mechanisms that sustain the structural and systemic character of inequality, such as the individualization of the social issues or the perspective of scientific-professional devaluation of Social Intervention and, with that, of the involved disciplines.
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