Reasons for which the people of the Metropolitan University (Caracas-Venezuela) study initial education (may, 2018)

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Natalia Castañón Octavio
Emily Abouhamad
Verónica Borges


The present article focuses as a central problem the questioning on the reasons why the students of the University study Initial Education, since it is known the absence of demand of said career. From the above it is derived that the general objective is to describe the reasons that motivate a group of students of the Metropolitan University to study the initial education career, through the investigation of the personal profile, academic profile and country context of each one. Of them and the incidence of the latter in their vocational choice. This research is descriptive, quantitative and in turn non-experimental. It was concluded, through the results obtained, that 52.9% of the selected sample affirms that they study the career of Initial Education since they have the competences of a teacher profile, that is, skills to work with children and vocation. On the other hand, 47.1% of the subjects surveyed, declare that their selection of the initial education career as a vocational choice, is because they consider that Education is important for society and its development. In conclusion there are two motivations for study: vocation and competences in the educational roll.


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How to Cite
Castañón Octavio, Natalia, Emily Abouhamad, and Verónica Borges. 2020. “Reasons for which the people of the Metropolitan University (Caracas-Venezuela) study initial education (may, 2018)”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 51 (March):147-68.
Author Biographies

Natalia Castañón Octavio, Universidad Metropolitana

Es profesora/investigadora a tiempo completo de la Universidad Metropolitana (1993). Fundadora de (2014-). Licenciada en Educación (Universidad Metropolitana, 1991), Maestría en Psicología Escolar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1993), Doctorado en  Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1999). Ha realizado carrera docente, gerencial e investigación: jefe del Departamento de Didáctica (2002-), jefe del Departamento de Humanidades (2014-), gerente general del Centro de Aprendizaje en Línea (2014) y profesor investigador. Ha sido tutora de treinta y siete tesis de pregrado, maestría y doctorado. Publicaciones en veinte y dos revistas o libros arbitrados a nivel nacional e internacional. Participación en cuarenta (congresos Nacionales e Internacionales con ponencias arbitradas.

Emily Abouhamad, Universidad Metropolitana

Es Licenciada en Educación Inicial (Universidad Metropolitana, 2019). Ha ejercido su carrera de docente como maestra de inglés (Pop N` Learn, 2015), maestra sustituta fija (Colegio Jefferson, 2017) y maestra sustituta fija (Centro Preescolar Puki Puki, 2017).

Verónica Borges, Universidad Metropolitana

Es Licenciada en Educación de la Universidad Metropolitana. Actualmente realiza un máster en Intervención en Dificultades del Aprendizaje y otro en Atención Temprana en el Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos (ISEP – Madrid).


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