Learning by Projects in the High School class: the operetta the court of pharaoh
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Project-based learning (PBL) is very appropriate to learn the skills set by the high school curriculum from the interdisciplinary approach. Different areas should encourage this type of teaching in which the student learns globally, while stimulating cooperative work. Unlike classical methodology, project-based learning starts from a specific question that students try to answer by building a project. This educational modality acquires more significance today, because of the different levels of learning students have. In addition, teaching by projects helps to combine the different areas of interest that students show. In this sense, The Court of Pharaoh is ideal for project work because it is a play where the arts come together in an exemplary manner and whose theme is of interest to students. This operetta is proposed as a project-based learning strategy. Through testing music and dance, team work and valuable skills such as cooperation, respect and accountability for achieving a common goal are encouraged. On the other hand, this type of projects arouses student interest by integrating all knowledge into a final objective.
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