Photography, Memory and Identity

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José Muñoz Jiménez


The interest of this work lies in the revision of some of the elements of language inherent to audiovisual creation, through the analysis of a specific case belonging to the photographic medium, and located in the geographical space of the Moroccan city of Fez. The photographic perspective that interests us here is that of the ratification and certification of the referent that reproduces the photograph, based on the description that “every photograph is a certificate of presence” (Barthes, 1990), which together with its essence , places it in what we could metaphorically call, a mirror of reality, apprehending all that it reflects. Its physical essence captures the “trace of light” beyond the mirror that inverts it, in that magical distillation of light in the darkness of the camera, which as a metaphor for the cave, will place us in the perspective of the knowledge of the social sciences. In this way, every photograph tends to transfer physical space to move it into mental space, in clear association with memory. This relevance and photographic effectiveness will seldom have anything to do with the intentionality of the author, since this visual production is within the reach of the community that assumes it, configuring itself as strong elements of the identity, together with the imaginaries that it invokes and the construction of cultural archetypes.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Jiménez, José. 2019. “Photography, Memory and Identity”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 49 (May):123-40.
Author Biography

José Muñoz Jiménez, Universidad de Málaga

Professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Málaga. Specialized in documentary photography, cinema and visual anthropology, he has focused his interest on transversal aspects of photography such as identity and memory. He holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Málaga in 2012 with a thesis entitled Exoticism and urban orientalism. He has a degree in Audiovisual Communication (University of Málaga) and in Political Science and Sociology (University of Granada). He has made research stays at the Magnum Agency of Photography in Paris; at the Aix-Marseille University; in the Nejjarine Museum of Fez; at the Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah Fez University; and at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona.


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