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Víctor Cerdán Martínez
Daniel Villa Gracia


This article analyzes the creative process of the creative documentary film Radio Atacama (Cerdán (director), 2014) using a qualitative and quantitative methodology based on the theories of authors such as Csikszentmihaly, De Bono, Bordwell and Aumount with the aim of describing the evolution of space in the editing process of the three working versions that are conserved of Radio Atacama. Radio Atacama is a film shoted locations of Bolivia and Chile. The postproduction process was done in Spain. It is an example of how an independent production can develop a project in the Ibero-American area by mixing European personnel and locations in South America. The convinience of the new audiovisual tecnology processes facilitate the development of a new Ibero-American cinema where creators have great creative freedom, without compromises on dates of delivery or contract arrangements with the distributors. The main objective of this article is to describe with detailed data the narrative evolution of Radio Atacama film, from the first version to the final cut. The secondary objective is to reflect on the creative process in the assembly of a documentary film and deepen in production, development and overall evolution of a project that was finally premiered at international film festivals.


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How to Cite
Cerdán Martínez, Víctor, and Daniel Villa Gracia. 2019. “THE CONSTRUCTION OF SPACE IN THE DOCUMENTARY: RADIO ATACAMA (2014)”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 49 (May):103-21.
Author Biographies

Víctor Cerdán Martínez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

PhD in journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and has been accredited by ANECA. He has been a professor at Camilo José Cela University and at Tracor Institute (San Pablo CEU University). He is currently an associate professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and works in cinema and television for the production company Taifas Comunicación.

Daniel Villa Gracia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, Audiovisual Communication and is a doctor of the latter branch from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is currently a collaborator at the Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Department of the Faculty of Information Sciences; he participates, as a researcher and professor, in a research group on the keys of contemporary Spanish trial cinema, and Japan Foundation has granted him a research scholarship in Osaka. Since 2005, he has been working as a postproduction editor and director of documentaries and journalistic television programs.


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