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Miguel Ángel Poveda Criado


This actual work pretends to explain how useful journalism for Daesh is to gain followers. In first place, it approaches the theoretical framework to position the terrorism organization in the actual context, it inquires in their financing to know about their authority. It researches which media they have, through those who share their blurb; it analyzes the message that transmits, to the spectators it refers to, recruitment methods they use; it studies the use they make of Internet, in particular the social media achieving repercussion and power; it analyses videos with a lot of quality produced from the organization through which spreads propaganda and try to terrorize; it addresses the violent radicalization who reunites to the queue of Daesh, like their motivations and the data that reveals the quantity of foreigners that moved away to Siria or Irak to fight with the terrorist group. And finally, conclusions show that the terrorism group, had know to take advantage to the new information and comunication technologies inside a date they are highly developed, appeal to anybody that wants to join their cause, create their caliphate. Therefore, the results that the yihadist organization have been reaping are overwhelming, they have achieved individuals all around the world to follow their rows.


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How to Cite
Poveda Criado, Miguel Ángel. 2019. “JOURNALISM AS A TERRORISM CAPTATION WEAPON”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 49 (May):59-80.
Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Poveda Criado, Universidad Europea de Madrid

Doctor in journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid-UCM (2008). Doctor in peace and national security from the National University of Distance Education - UNED (2010,). Doctor in social and political sciences from the Technical University of Lisbon - UTL (2011), and a degree in audiovisual communication (1984-1988) from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master in film production and low budget TV at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, 1991); master's degree in protocol (UNED, 2005); master's degree in security and defense (UNED, 2005); master's degree in nobility, premial, hereditary and genealogy law (UNED, 2003); master's degree in protocol and institutional relations (IE, 2003); and diploma in protocol and international relations (EIP, 1998-1999).


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