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Rafael Barberá González
Félix Martín del Fresno


During recent years and increasingly, popular movements have originated in many countries around the world. One of the reasons may be, among many others, that society perceives that it receives poor and unethical management from its leaders. Given this boom that has had a remarkable echo in the European content, this paper seeks to find out if political leaders, such as Pablo Iglesias, in the Spanish case, have used populism as a discursive strategy to get votes. The characteristics of the so-called right-wing populism and the so-called left-wing populism will be analyzed to assess whether there are substantial differences between the two. In addition, we will mention the system in which populism best develops, democracy, although there is no consensus among authors who believe that it occurs in other environments. Finally, a reference to the evolution of populism in Spain will be made, followed by an analysis of some of Pablo Iglesias’ discourses.


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How to Cite
Barberá González, Rafael, and Félix Martín del Fresno. 2019. “THE POPULISM OF LEFT IN THE SPEECH OF PABLO IGLESIAS”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 49 (May):141-58.
Author Biographies

Rafael Barberá González

PhD in Journalism from the University of San Pablo-CEU, with a degree in Journalism from this University and a Law Degree from the UCM. Professor in the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM and in the Faculty of Communication of the UFV, where he directs the University Master in Production and Realization in Radio and Television. His research focuses on political communication and crisis communication. He has published several scientific articles on these subjects.

Félix Martín del Fresno

Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University and Master in Communication of Organizations from the Complutense University of Madrid.


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