The Worldview of Tte Spanish Transition in the Movie <i>Joan the Mad... Once in a While</i>. A Manual for the Understanding of the Historical Comedy of the Eighties
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Although it was one of the great movie blockbusters of the time, Joan the Mad... once in a while (José Ramón Larraz, 1983), received harsh criticism from the specialized public, who saw in the film a painful way of making movies. Characters, ambience, script, interpretations, etc., nothing escaped the pen of the critics, who vented their criticism on it. Even so, the public connected perfectly with it, not in vain, the Court of the Catholic Kings came to make the distant Spanish transition their own. Through the following research, we want to value this important contribution of Spanish cinema, as a document that perfectly reflects the political, social, cultural and artistic life of the Spanish Transition, offering a compendium that allows us to understand the thoroughness and intellectuality of the script in all its complexity.
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