Analysis on the Use of the Social Network Facebook in the Teaching-Learning Process Through Data Science

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Ricardo Adán Salas Rueda
Rodrigo David Salas Rueda


Nowadays, technological advances are causing the development of new teaching-learning strategies. In fact, social networks are becoming very important during the planning of school activities. In particular, this mixed research analyzes the use of Facebook as a means of dissemination, communication, learning, interaction and collaboration during the realization of laboratory practices in the subject “Development of applications for business”. Data mining allows predictive models to be established about the impact of Facebook during the design of the web interface considering the Bayesian and Decision tree techniques (data science). The sample consists of 69 students of the Bachelor in Business Management and Information Technology. Through the quantitative and qualitative approach, this study analyzes the use of this social network in the teaching-learning process related to the design of the web interface, HTML instructions, PHP programming language, WampServer application and MYSQL database. Likewise, the ANOVA method evaluates the academic performance of the experimental and control groups by means of the grade in the practical project. The results obtained allow us to affirm that Facebook represents a technological alternative to improve the organization and implementation of educational experiences in the 21st century.


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How to Cite
Salas Rueda, Ricardo Adán, and Rodrigo David Salas Rueda. 2019. “Analysis on the Use of the Social Network Facebook in the Teaching-Learning Process Through Data Science”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 50 (November):1-26.
Author Biographies

Ricardo Adán Salas Rueda, Universidad La Salle

Doctor en Diseño de Nuevas Tecnologías. Investigador de tiempo completo en el Instituto de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Maestro en Administración e Ingeniero en Sistemas Electrónicos. Investigador nacional SNI nivel 1 (Conacyt) durante el periodo 2019-2021 y Candidato SNI durante el periodo 2016-2018.

Rodrigo David Salas Rueda, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Licenciado en Administración e integrante del grupo de investigación Ciencia de datos y Tecnología educativa.


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