Relationship Between the Benefits and the Obtaining of Engagement of the Users in the Communication of the Social Networks of the Hotel Sector

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Miguel Ángel Sánchez Jiménez
María Teresa Fernández Allés
Juan José Mier-Terán Franco


With the growing power of online consumers and the increased penetration of the internet around the world, online brand communities have formed an important communication platform between companies and consumers. These social media have offered consumers the opportunity to share opinions, recommendations and experiences through comments, images or videos with other users, which can be read and commented among them. In this way, this research intends to analyze if the perceived benefits are related to the obtaining of commitment or engagement on the part of the users in the social networks of the hotels. For this, a quantitative analysis has been carried out by means of a questionnaire addressed to the followers of the social networks of hotels or hotel chains. Thus, 4 hypotheses have been proposed to analyze whether the 4 identified benefits (functional, socio-psychological, hedonic and monetary benefits) are directly related to the 4 variables identified in the engagement (user participation, trust, affective commitment and loyalty), being able to contrast so if the benefits perceived by users in these social networks caused an increase in the 4 variables of engagement. The results specify a positive link of the socio-psychological and hedonic benefits perceived by the user with a greater engagement, however, there is more discrepancy in the functional benefits and, above all, to highlight the scarce transcendence of the monetary benefit to achieve a greater commitment with the users.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Jiménez, Miguel Ángel, María Teresa Fernández Allés, and Juan José Mier-Terán Franco. 2019. “Relationship Between the Benefits and the Obtaining of Engagement of the Users in the Communication of the Social Networks of the Hotel Sector”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 48 (March):125-48.
Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Sánchez Jiménez, Universidad de Cádiz

Teaching staff and Researcher at the University of Cádiz in the Marketing and Communication department. Doctor in Marketing and Communication with the mention of “European Doctorate” and member of the Research Institute for Sustainable Social Development (INDESS). Research activity oriented to new digital technologies in marketing and communication, social media, mobile marketing, tourism, etc. Author of articles published in indexed journals and participation in research congresses.

Orcid ID:

María Teresa Fernández Allés, Universidad de Cádiz

Teaching staff and Researcher at the University of Cádiz in the Marketing and Communication department. PhD in Economics Full Professor at the University. Researcher in the field of marketing and tourism, with specialization in accessible tourism, tourism marketing, tourism sustainability, etc. Professor in the Degree in Business Administration and Management and in the Masters in Business Management, Management of Tourism Companies and Digital and Social Marketing.

Orcid ID:

Juan José Mier-Terán Franco, Universidad de Cádiz

Teaching staff and Researcher at the University of Cádiz in the Marketing and Communication department. Professor of University, researcher in the field of social and digital marketing, director of the Department of Marketing and Communication of the University of Cádiz, coordinator of the Master of Management of Digital and Social Marketing and vice president of the International Association of Public Marketing and No Lucrative.

Orcid ID:


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